Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 1, 2017

Web Developer Newsletter - Single Page Application (SPA) for Enterprise App (Angular2 & WebApi) - Part 1 - Overview

Web Developer Newsletter - Single Page Application (SPA) for Enterprise App (Angular2 & WebApi) - Part 1 - Overview

Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

Industry News

The Prettier formatting tool ensures outputted JavaScript conforms to a consistent style
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We've done three days of training. Introduction, Intermediate, and Cross-Platform and all three days are now available! We just released training for ASP.NET Core 1.0 Cross-Platform that shows Mac, Ubuntu, and Docker!
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Scott Hanselman
So if color theory doesn't provide a solid basis for color in UI design, what does?
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Erik Kennedy
This article will cover all the fundamental concepts you need to get good with the CSS Flexbox model.
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Free CodeCamp
In looking at how Angular 2 is positioned to shape the future of Web development, we examine what is working so far, what elements of the framework are still lacking, how it measures up to other frameworks and its outlook and implications for developers.
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Programmable Web
Now that the concept is no longer in its infancy let's take another look at how to redesign a large scale responsive site.
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UX Booth
Whether using a framework or having to write old-fashioned CSS, if you are stuck with a legacy project or client who demands an IE6-era approach to your work don't give up on new web platform features.
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Rachel Andrew

New articles added


  (4 votes) by Bart-Jan Brouwer (updated 4 days ago)
This blog explains how you can send email with .Net Core using Dependency Injection
  (3 votes) by Bart-Jan Brouwer (updated 4 days ago)
.Net Core datagrid with server side paging, sorting and filtering
  (2 votes) by Yogi S. (updated yesterday)
Tutorial on using Entity Framework with jQuery AJAX in ASP.NET MVC
  (0 votes) by Matt Watson (Stackify) (updated 23 hours ago)
Learn about the 4 various log sources you need to know when tracking down ASP.NET request errors.

Client side scripting

  (5 votes) by Fred Song (Melbourne) (updated 9 hours ago)
From this article, I'd like create ASP.NET Core (Net Core) application with Angular 2.


  (9 votes) by Jovan Popovic (updated 5 days ago)
Complex properties in entity Framework models such as arrays, dictionaries, and objects can be serialized in SQL Server database in JSON format. In this article I will show you how to map your properties in EF model to database columns that contain JSON.

Design and Architecture

  (2 votes) by Robert_Dyball (updated yesterday)
"... dogs and cats living together ..." or how to build an application framework to get the best out of ASP.Net Core and Angular - at the same time.

Mobile Development

  (4 votes) by Ole Oren (updated 3 days ago)
Fast and simple REST development for SQL devs

Web Services

  (1 votes) by Antony Victor Gino (updated 3 days ago)
There are legacy web services still out there in the current environment which expects to send request messages to them in the MIME format. This article explains a simpler way of sending messages to legacy web services using the MIME format without using any third party component

Articles updated


  (3 votes) by Zijian (updated 4 days ago)
Make the development of Angular 2 application efficient with ASP.NET Web API and Web API Client Gen

Applications & Tools

  (84 votes) by (updated yesterday)
How to build the SPA for enterprise application using Angular2 and WebApi (RESTful)
  (10 votes) by (updated 6 days ago)
In this article, we will learn how to create/edit Role
  (6 votes) by ONasri 12202787 (updated 3 days ago)
you will learn how you can build a management user interface using DotnetCore, angular2, typescript and web api,


  (32 votes) by Zijian (updated 2 days ago)
Generate strongly typed client API in TypeScript for ASP.NET Web API
  (10 votes) by syed shanu (updated 23 hours ago)
In this article you will learn about ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 Master Detail HTML grid using Web API and EF 1.0.1.
  (5 votes) by Bart-Jan Brouwer (updated 23 hours ago)
How to run .Net Core Apps in a Docker Container on a Synology nas.

C / C++ Language

  (60 votes) by Shao Voon Wong (updated yesterday)
Read/write CSV in few lines of code!


  (27 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated 5 days ago)
Creating Angular2 Application with ASP.NET Core Template Pack in VS 2015


  (4 votes) by NewPast (updated 3 days ago)
Online PHP Software Example: Sodium Hypochlorite Dilution Calculator

New Tips and Tricks added

Applications & Tools

  (1 votes) by Lalit_Chandra (updated 3 days ago)
In JavaScript, triggering of events is different in IFrame and Parent Window.


  (3 votes) by saransh89 (updated 3 days ago)
You have to follow all 3 steps.


  (5 votes) by DotNetSteve (updated 5 days ago)
Manage an overgrown appSettings section

Tips and Tricks updated


  (6 votes) by Ahmed Ossman (updated 3 days ago)
Google Maps Drag to select multiple markers or click Marker to select and unselect

New Technical Blogs added

Applications & Tools

  (3 votes) by (updated 5 days ago)
Angular2 - Component
  (2 votes) by Anton Angelov (updated 6 days ago)
A tool for creating a report for author's articles for a specific year or from the beginning of time. Calculates the total number of views.


  (0 votes) by Junian Triajianto (updated 36 minutes ago)
Beginner guide on how to integrate MySQL database into ASP.NET Core project with Identity and host it on Ubuntu Server

Technical Blogs updated

Programming Tips

  (3 votes) by Junian Triajianto (updated 3 days ago)
Using the power of Livestreamer and FFmpeg, twitch stream can be recorded every time a user goes online.

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