Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 1, 2017

Daily News - Microsoft to address latest Windows 10 privacy concerns with Creators Update

Daily News - Microsoft to address latest Windows 10 privacy concerns with Creators Update
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Industry News
Just the latest ones. The older ones are now 'classics'
Source: The Verge
Their location should be easy to tell when all the lights dim
Source: Venture Beat
Hackers were heard to say, "What's Edge?"
Source: MS Power User
You can buy ethics now?
Source: Infoworld
That should help their cars go... you know. Autonomously.
Source: Engadget
Source: PVP Online
Developer News
I'll take, "Give me an intro to stats" for $200, Alex
Source: Infoworld
It's not a contradiction in terms?
Source: Dice Insights
Those builds really do take a long time, don't they?
Source: Bartek
Science and Technology
The circular object on the communal road vehicle go round and around
Source: Engadget
Good thing science has proven it, because we'd never know otherwise
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Paging Doctors Dunning and Kruger
Source: CodeProject
"First I'm gonna make it, then I'm gonna break it "
Source: CodeProject

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