Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 1, 2017

The Daily Build - State Machine Design in C++

The Daily Build - State Machine Design in C++
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Headline article

State Machine Design in C++

  (84 votes) by David Lafreniere (updated 8 hours ago)
A compact C++ finite state machine (FSM) implementation that's easy to use on embedded and PC-based systems.

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Algorithms & Recipes

  (0 votes) by Liu Junfeng (updated 18 hours ago)
A PEG parser combinator library implemented in Rust, using operator overloading without macros.


  (1 votes) by Robert Edström (updated 2 hours ago)
This was one of those days.Using ASP.NET Core's cookie middleware for authentication is pretty neat. Once set up properly, it allows us to seamlessly share authentication between our existing 4.6 MVC OWIN application and our new fancy Core SPA.One key feature is the SlidingExpiration option. This au


  (1 votes) by Khademul Basher (updated 15 hours ago)
This article describes PayPal payment options and gives an example of how to use PayPal REST server API for payment with sample code.


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Creating Service Monitor Application with .NET Core
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Generating classes using XML and JSON in Visual Studio


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Using Oscova, a bot development framework, to create a Natural Language Interface to an SQL Database.
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Complex properties in entity Framework models such as arrays, dictionaries, and objects can be serialized in SQL Server database in JSON format. In this article I will show you how to map your properties in EF model to database columns that contain JSON.

Product Showcase

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Hooking up a Raspberry Pi to Predix; reading data from a file system and flowing that data into Predix without the need for manual intervention.

Raspberry Pi

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Third in the series of frustrations and adventures with the Raspberry Pi

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Where can I find the sample code for this article?Please checkout the code at in "feature/angular2-component" branch.What is component in Angular2?In general view, For easier to understand that a component is a page we want to display.Do I need to registe
  (0 votes) by Rion Williams (updated 11 hours ago)
A few months back, I wrote up a short summary on using Electron to easily build, package, and deploy a web site or application. If you were to have followed such a tutorial, you may be coming back here looking for a post like this, because, in all likelihood, your

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