Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 1, 2017

Daily News - Do you still like to code?

Daily News - Do you still like to code?
Click here Need Excel Controls for Windows Forms, WPF or Silverlight?
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Industry News
Like Chrome OS, but with more Opera?
Source: Engadget
I wonder if they use it to subsidize their dev costs?
Source: The Verge
"Oh, are robots so different from men, mentally?"
Source: The Guardian
Coming soon - CodeProject: The Movie
Source: Techcrunch
It's almost like a five year-old computer is good enough these days
Source: The Verge
Developer News
I would have thought they already had something like this, but what do I know?
Source: Telerik
The fact you have to program with it in JavaScript?
Source: Infoworld
Oh good, now I can use it on the quantum computer I'm building in my garage
Source: Computing
Collapsing your corporation available separately
Source: SD Times
Science and Technology
Just putting this here for .. you know who
Source: Ars Technica
The Squeaking Dead
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
"I remember when you couldn't wait to love me"
Source: CodeProject
Today's bugs ain't got the same soul
Source: CodeProject

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