Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 1, 2017

The Daily Build - Quiz Application in AngularJs

The Daily Build - Quiz Application in AngularJs
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Headline article

Quiz Application in AngularJs

  (99 votes) by Anurag Gandhi (updated 15 hours ago)
A general purpose quiz application in angularJs that can be used anywhere

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

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synchronous/asynchronous control via multiple interfaces with command queuing
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In a netshell this post will simple talk about how you can adjust the schedule of a ALREADY scheduled job

Applications & Tools

  (4 votes) by Anurag Gandhi (updated 21 hours ago)
A general purpose quiz application in angular 2 that can be used to run quizzes, mock tests, surveys, etc. This is an updated version for "Quiz Application in AngularJs".
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An HTML application to visualize the Mohr's Circle and Transformation of Two-Dimensional State of Stress.

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Running website or blog through is good but only up to a certain point then you have to move your website to self-hosted WordPress i.e. The reason to transfer your website from WordPress com To WordPress org is mainly because self-hosted WordPress ( provide

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For this tutorial, I will talk about how to convert a date string into a Unix Timestamp format. For whom that do now know what is a Unix Timestamp. A Unix Timestamp is a time record of a particular time instance in how far that instance in millisecond is away from the 0:0:0 of January […]

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Use 'VB Unmanaged Image Processing' for fast CPU Image Processing in .NET


  (1 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 18 hours ago)
In programming we often have to deal with number. Sometimes it is requires that we convert one base number to another. This tutorial is concentrate on converting between a binary number to a decimal number or converting a decimal number to a binary number.
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 4 hours ago)
In programming we most often have to deal with numbers. There are three numbering systems that are commonly use in the programming world, and that is binary, hexadecimal and decimal. Often time we have to convert one numbering system to another.


  (0 votes) by Cinchoo (updated yesterday)
Quick tutorial about parsing fixed length data files using Cinchoo ETL


  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 18 hours ago)
In programming we often have to deal with number. Sometimes it is requires that we convert one base number to another. This tutorial is concentrate on converting between a binary number to a decimal number or converting a decimal number to a binary number.


  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 14 hours ago)
In programming we often have to deal with number. Sometimes it is requires that we convert one base number to another. This tutorial is concentrate on converting between a binary number to a decimal number or converting a decimal number to a binary number.

Programming Tips

  (2 votes) by Richard Silveira (updated 13 hours ago)
A discussion about code, strategy and user experience.

Third Party Products and Tools

  (0 votes) by Fazlur Rahman (updated 21 hours ago)
Step by step procedure to install Hadoop 2.7.3 version on Ubuntu 16.04 operating system. This may work for any other versions of Hadoop and Ubuntu.

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 18 hours ago)
In programming we most often have to deal with numbers. There are three numbering systems that are commonly use in the programming world, and that is binary, hexadecimal and decimal. Often time we have to convert one numbering system to another.
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 18 hours ago)
In programming we often have to deal with number. Sometimes it is requires that we convert one base number to another. This tutorial is concentrate on converting between a binary number to a decimal number or converting a decimal number to a binary number.
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 18 hours ago)
In programming we often have to deal with number. Sometimes it is requires that we convert one base number to another. This tutorial is concentrate on converting between a binary number to a decimal number or converting a decimal number to a binary number.
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 18 hours ago)
Working With Number – Converting Binary And Decimal – R
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 14 hours ago)
This tutorial is concentrate on converting between a binary number to a decimal number or converting a decimal number to a binary number.
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 14 hours ago)
In programming we often have to deal with number. Sometimes it is requires that we convert one base number to another. This tutorial is concentrate on converting between a binary number to a decimal number or converting a decimal number to a binary number.

Web Security

  (0 votes) by levelnis (updated 14 hours ago)
Making a web form read-only. Sounds simple, right? Well, there are a couple of ways we could approach it. We could use JavaScript and update the disabled attribute on each text box. We could create 2 big chunks of HTML within the page. One if the form should be read-only, the other if not. Feels a b

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Wexflow aims to make automations, workflow processes, long-running processes and interactions between systems, applications and folks easy, straitforward and clean.
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This is a simple program that demonstrates a method used to adjust the screen brightness on any C# application

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From this article, I'd like create ASP.NET Core (Net Core) application with Angular 2.

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This article shows how to configure IdentityServer3, when you need to authenticate and authorize usage of your WebAPI/MVC, for users stored in SQL Server.

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GT is a compact, efficient, and customizable graphical user interface (GUI) library for the Windows environment.


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The HPC Template Library is a supplement to the Standard Template Library providing threadsafe containers.

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