Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Web Developer Newsletter - FlowSharp

Web Developer Newsletter - FlowSharp
Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

are here: InfoQ Homepage News Polymer 2.0 Introduces Breaking Changes But the Migration Has Been Smoothed Polymer 2.0 Introduces Breaking Changes But the Migration Has Been Smoothed

Polymer 2.0 replaces Custom Elements API v0 with v1, deprecates Polymer.dom, uses Shadow DOM instead, but the migration path is not so steep as these changes suggest, because they have introduced a compatibility layer that enables code created with Polymer 1.7+ to run under 2.0 (more: InfoQ)

Why Web Designers Should Resort to Cross-Browser Testing

The creation of a web theme that is unique and "infallible" is often challenging for any web designer. Even something simple can be a nightmare, as pages can appear differently in distinct browsers and devices. (more:

CSS Writing Modes

You can use a little-known, yet important and powerful CSS property to make text run vertically. (more: 24 ways)

HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World

Although HTML5 presents significant changes in the way content is marked up, it's worth noting that those changes won't cause older browsers to choke, nor result in layout problems or page errors. (more: Sitepoint)

ES5 to ES6 with Lebab

Now that browsers support most of these syntax additions, many of us are rushing to write ES6 code while cringing at the thought of updating older code. Maintenance....ain't it a pain?! Enter Lebab: a project which transpiles JavaScript written in traditional JavaScript syntax to bright, shiny ES6 syntax! (more: David Walsh)

Has the Internet Killed Curly Quotes?

Web publications tend to favor straight quotation marks, a pragmatic approach to typography that old-school stylists can't stand. (more: The Atlantic)

Blueprint: A React UI toolkit for the web

Blueprint is a collection of React UI components that cover the majority of the common interface elements, patterns, and interactions on the web. (more: Blueprint.js)

Introducing CSS3

CSS3 contains just about everything that's included in CSS2.1, the previous version of the spec. It also adds new features to help developers solve a number of presentation-related problems without resorting to scripting plugins or extra images. (more: Sitepoint)

Learning from Lego: A Step Forward in Modular Web Design

With hundreds of frameworks and UI kits, we are now assembling all kinds of content blocks to make web pages. However, such modularity and versatility hasn't been achieved on the web element level yet. Learning from Lego, we can push modular web design one step forward. (more: A List Apart)

New articles added

.NET Framework

  (8 votes) by Fiyaz Hasan (updated 5 days ago)
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core

Applications & Tools

  (6 votes) by MichaelChen_ (updated 18 hours ago)
A simple SVG editor from the viewpoint of programmers.
  (1 votes) by ONasri 12202787 (updated 2 days ago)
you will learn how you can build a management user interface using DotnetCore, angular2, typescript and web api,


  (4 votes) by Snesh Prajapati (updated 5 days ago)
In this article we will learn how to use Unity framework with ASP.NET MVC 5 application to register and resolve dependent objects.
  (4 votes) by Snesh Prajapati (updated 4 days ago)
In this article we will learn about Content Negotiation and its default use in ASP.NET Web API. Further we will see how to implement Custom Content Formatter to fulfill client's request with a special format.
  (3 votes) by Vipul_Poojara (updated yesterday)
Step by step guide to deploy ASP .NET core web application on Amazon Linux Instance

Client side scripting

  (3 votes) by Ashwin. Shetty (updated 5 days ago)
How to write your first component using Angular 2
  (1 votes) by Manfredzik (updated 18 hours ago)
This article shows how to write strongly typed client-side scripts in AngularJs framework with TypeScript.

Web Security

  (3 votes) by Bryian Tan (updated 5 days ago)
Password Strength Indicator using jQuery and XML + NuGet Package

Articles updated

Applications & Tools

  (9 votes) by Zijian (updated 5 days ago)
Overview of TraceHub, and the design concepts/contexts behind this open source project


  (15 votes) by Neal Pandey (updated 5 days ago)
This tutorial is about building HTTP request pipeline on ASP.NET Core. We will start from scratch using Command Line, write custom middleware in C# and finish with adding built-in middleware to pipeline. We will build and run the demo application on Mac, Windows and Docker container in Linux.

Audio and Video

  (67 votes) by Evgeny Pereguda (updated yesterday)
Simple SDK for capturing, recording and streaming video and audio from web-cams on Windows OS by Windows Media Foundation.


  (62 votes) by Ramon F. Mendes (updated yesterday)
Create HTML/CSS/script based cross-platform desktop apps in C# with Sciter engine!
  (25 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated 3 days ago)
Creating Angular2 Application with ASP.NET Core Template Pack in VS 2015

Client side scripting

  (7 votes) by Ashwin. Shetty (updated 4 days ago)
Development environment setup for Angular 2
  (4 votes) by Ashwin. Shetty (updated 23 hours ago)
Building nested component using Angular 2 and passing data between parent & Child component


  (167 votes) by Marc Clifton (updated 2 days ago)
A Diagramming Tool

Internet / Network

  (122 votes) by axuno (updated 7 hours ago)
MailMergeLib is an SMTP template mail client library written in C# which provides comfortable mail merge capabilities and SMTP fail-over features.

New Tips and Tricks added


  (1 votes) by Cinchoo (updated yesterday)
MVC Editable DropdownList Sample


  (1 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated yesterday)
HowTo for generating a data dictionary from existing database

New Technical Blogs added

Client side scripting

  (4 votes) by Ivan Krivyakov (updated 2 days ago)
JavaScript WTF #4: Undefined vs Null
  (2 votes) by Ivan Krivyakov (updated 2 days ago)
JavaScript WTF #5: No map() for Iterables

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