Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 1, 2017

Daily News - The perils of open-source software security

Daily News - The perils of open-source software security
Click here Rethinking the Periodic Table with a JavaScript Sunburst Control
Ideal for visualizing hierarchical data, sunburst charts display categorical data "tiers." Walk through four-steps, from preparing the data model to building the chart view, to visualizing data as a sunburst chart on the web using Wijmo.
Click here Need Excel on the Web?
Take your browser-based applications beyond the limits of HTML and JavaScript with high-performance, Excel-compatible spreadsheet controls from SpreadsheetGear-the leader in .NET spreadsheets. Try the live SpreadsheetGear Silverlight Samples Now!
Industry News
Because Calc is a required part of the OS
Source: Beta News
Developer News
People like data types? Whaaaa?
Source: SD Times
Breaking News: training company finds not enough people taking their training
Source: DevOps
Given enough eyeballs, more people will find bugs to exploit
Source: SD Times
This post brought to you by Microsoft Defender: "generally competent"
Source: Bleeping Computer
Science and Technology
Paging Dr. Moreau
Source: National Geographic
"The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it"
Source: Engadget
Take two and it will be morning
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
"All of a sudden that old rains fallin' down, and my world is cloudy"
Source: CodeProject
You mean Console.WriteLine isn't good enough?
Source: CodeProject

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