Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 1, 2017

Weekly Newsletter (2 Jan 2017)

Weekly Newsletter (2 Jan 2017)
Welcome to this week's newsletter from CodeProject.
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Site News

Happy New Year!

Welcome back and Happy 2017! From all of us at CodeProject we wish you a safe, prosperous and reasonably sane new year.

Chris Maunder

Weekly Poll Results

What are your New Year resolutions?

Survey period: 26 Dec 2016 to 2 Jan 2017

New Years Eve: A time of reflection and wild, unrealistic promises!

Improve my health38349.55383 votes, 49.55%
Improve my Professional skills35045.28350 votes, 45.28%
Improve my financial situation30439.33304 votes, 39.33%
Sort out my personal life17322.38173 votes, 22.38%
Achieve a better Work / Life balance20025.87200 votes, 25.87%
Quit an addiction or bad habit12916.69129 votes, 16.69%
Carry out my resolutions from last year (aka stop procrastinating)8010.3580 votes, 10.35%
No resolutions for me16921.86169 votes, 21.86%
Other425.4342 votes, 5.43%
5K243.1024 votes, 3.10%
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

This week's survey: Which formats do you prefer when writing technical content?

Latest Additions

New articles added

.NET Framework

  (9 votes) by Juan Francisco Morales Larios (updated 5 days ago)
The importance to clone objects in .NET Framework
  (7 votes) by Fiyaz Hasan (updated 4 days ago)
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core


  (2 votes) by Peter Leow (updated 19 hours ago)
Perform CRUD, i.e. Create, Read, Update, and Delete, on data using a SQLite Database on Android.

Applications & Tools

  (1 votes) by ONasri 12202787 (updated yesterday)
you will learn how you can build a management user interface using DotnetCore, angular2, typescript and web api,


  (4 votes) by Snesh Prajapati (updated 4 days ago)
In this article we will learn how to use Unity framework with ASP.NET MVC 5 application to register and resolve dependent objects.
  (4 votes) by Snesh Prajapati (updated 3 days ago)
In this article we will learn about Content Negotiation and its default use in ASP.NET Web API. Further we will see how to implement Custom Content Formatter to fulfill client's request with a special format.
  (3 votes) by Vipul_Poojara (updated 16 hours ago)
Step by step guide to deploy ASP .NET core web application on Amazon Linux Instance


  (5 votes) by Fernando de Oliveira [MCP] (updated 6 days ago)
What if you could predict data using a cloud-based environment? You can do it with Azure Machine Learning.
  (2 votes) by Swapna Patnaik (updated yesterday)
Azure Environment Config. using ARM and PowerShell


  (2 votes) by robert_chang (updated 6 days ago)
Learn how to connect to Dynamics CRM, customize and query Customer Address entity, geocode the address and update CRM data.
  (1 votes) by honzha99 (updated 4 days ago)
This angularjs app has been deplopyed into Azure, which consumes webapi services

Client side scripting

  (3 votes) by Ashwin. Shetty (updated 4 days ago)
How to write your first component using Angular 2

Combo & List Boxes

  (0 votes) by SonicMouse (updated yesterday)
Totally customize the WinForms Combobox by painting the Non-Client area in the combo box's listbox.

Design and Architecture

  (3 votes) by David Nguyen Hung Phuong (updated 4 days ago)
A tiny library to load and execute bootstrapper classes in layered architecture by convention
  (2 votes) by Giorgio Arata (updated 3 days ago)
A Decorator Design Patterns revision obtained adopting a lambda closures approach.

Dialogs and Windows

  (0 votes) by Ramon F. Mendes (updated 10 hours ago)
A lightweight HTML control for WinForms


  (1 votes) by Mayur S Joshi (updated 2 days ago)
This article provides the step-by-step points on customising manual installation of RabbitMQ on Windows.


  (0 votes) by UmaRani T (updated 6 days ago)
This article is about how to create a continuous integration build using VSTS

Mobile Development

  (3 votes) by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga (updated 5 days ago)
Create Google Material based HTML5 apps using B4J ABMaterial
  (0 votes) by Andrew Lai (updated yesterday)
This is the Part 2 of my Raspberry Pi traffic light and weather station project - The mobile app

Raspberry Pi

  (5 votes) by Andrew Lai (updated 4 days ago)
Power on, safe shutdown and power cut-off for Raspberry Pi

Web Security

  (3 votes) by Bryian Tan (updated 4 days ago)
Password Strength Indicator using jQuery and XML + NuGet Package

Windows API

  (4 votes) by Michael Chourdakis (updated 20 hours ago)
A few functions and you can call various Web libraries like Google Drive.

Windows Powershell

  (2 votes) by Tibor Blazko (updated 5 days ago)
Example usage of The Old Reader's and Inoreader's APIs

Windows Presentation Foundation

  (6 votes) by Pete O'Hanlon (updated 3 days ago)
This series of articles covers MVVM from the absolute beginning; no frameworks and no helpers, we're going to learn MVVM from the nuts and bolts.
  (7 votes) by Hin Wai (updated 3 days ago)
An introduction to MVVM in WPF
  (3 votes) by Snesh Prajapati (updated 2 days ago)
This article discusses how dependency properties are stored in WPF

Articles updated

.NET Framework

  (109 votes) by Peter Vegter (updated 4 days ago)
Windows Media Control Interface (MCI) library with many added features
  (5 votes) by Peter Vegter (updated 4 days ago)
A brief guide for creating a sound recorder with the PVS.AVPlayer library

Algorithms & Recipes

  (169 votes) by Jakub Szymanowski (updated 3 days ago)
The article presents idea and implementation of fundamental algorithms in image processing.

Applications & Tools

  (9 votes) by Zijian (updated 4 days ago)
Overview of TraceHub, and the design concepts/contexts behind this open source project


  (15 votes) by Neal Pandey (updated 4 days ago)
This tutorial is about building HTTP request pipeline on ASP.NET Core. We will start from scratch using Command Line, write custom middleware in C# and finish with adding built-in middleware to pipeline. We will build and run the demo application on Mac, Windows and Docker container in Linux.

Audio and Video

  (67 votes) by Evgeny Pereguda (updated 2 hours ago)
Simple SDK for capturing, recording and streaming video and audio from web-cams on Windows OS by Windows Media Foundation.

C / C++ Language

  (27 votes) by David Lafreniere (updated 11 hours ago)
A C++ standards compliant delegate library capable of targeting any callable function synchronously or asynchronously.
  (8 votes) by Zehaie M. Hailu (updated yesterday)


  (60 votes) by Ramon F. Mendes (updated 6 hours ago)
Create HTML/CSS/script based cross-platform desktop apps in C# with Sciter engine!
  (51 votes) by Radosław Sadowski (updated 3 days ago)
  (24 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated yesterday)
EF Core for Enterprise
  (24 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated yesterday)
Creating Angular2 Application with ASP.NET Core Template Pack in VS 2015
  (5 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated yesterday)
Generating Code for EF Core with CatFactory

Client side scripting

  (7 votes) by Ashwin. Shetty (updated 3 days ago)
Development environment setup for Angular 2

Connected Devices

  (11 votes) by RIOT Community (updated 5 days ago)
Using and Developing with RIOT


  (12 votes) by Vadim Loboda (updated 2 days ago)
ADO.NET Micro-ORM to SQL Server


  (161 votes) by Marc Clifton (updated yesterday)
A Diagramming Tool

Internet / Network

  (330 votes) by Mehdi Gholam (updated 3 days ago)
Smallest, fastest polymorphic JSON serializer (with Silverlight4 and MonoDroid support)


  (18 votes) by Cinchoo (updated 3 days ago)
Simple CSV file reader for .NET

Raspberry Pi

  (10 votes) by Andrew Lai (updated yesterday)
A small project to give my son a great surprise

Testing and QA

  (1 votes) by Metaphysico (updated 4 days ago)
Quick Setup for a basic Load and Performance Testing System with logging.

Universal Windows Platform and Windows Runtime

  (11 votes) by Axel Rietschin (updated 4 days ago)
Import photos & videos directly from smart phones and digital cameras using the Windows Photo Import API, for Windows Universal Apps and Classic Win32 applications on Windows 10 and beyond.


  (21 votes) by Duncan Edwards Jones (updated 2 days ago)
How to use a windows azure storage table, blob or file as an event store for event sourcing

Windows Presentation Foundation

  (20 votes) by Meshack Musundi (updated 20 hours ago)
A WPF chess application that uses the Stockfish chess engine

New Tips and Tricks added


  (5 votes) by Suchit R. Khunt (updated 5 days ago)
Twitter Login API using TweetSharp Library
  (1 votes) by Cinchoo (updated 4 hours ago)
MVC Editable DropdownList Sample


  (4 votes) by Member 11797054 (updated 3 days ago)
A simple library can allow you to introduce Aspect-Oriented Programming without any difficulty
  (0 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated 1 hour ago)
HowTo for generating a data dictionary from existing database

Combo & List Boxes

  (0 votes) by Dana Bell (updated 2 days ago)
This tip shows how to populate and process combo boxes when the program supports multiple languages/cultures.


  (0 votes) by Database Star (updated 4 days ago)
How to use these three functions and what the differences are between them
  (0 votes) by Paw Jershauge (updated 2 days ago)
An easy to use extendedproperty procedure (alternative to sp_dropextendedproperty, sp_addextendedproperty, sp_updateextendedproperty)

Web Services

  (0 votes) by Fitim Skenderi (updated 2 days ago)
Connecting securely to MongoDB by using SSL from GO

Tips and Tricks updated


  (6 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated 2 days ago)
Generation of stored procedures with CatFactory.SqlServer package

Windows Presentation Foundation

  (42 votes) by Nomesh G (updated 6 days ago)
Setting up basic MVVM in WPF and ICommand usage to allow operations on ViewModel from view.

New Technical Blogs added


  (2 votes) by Jeremy Hutchinson (updated 4 days ago)
How to share code between Azure functions


  (1 votes) by Eowind (updated 2 days ago)
Performance: Enum ToString or GetName

Client side scripting

  (2 votes) by Ivan Krivyakov (updated yesterday)
JavaScript WTF #4: Undefined vs Null
  (1 votes) by Ivan Krivyakov (updated yesterday)
JavaScript WTF #5: No map() for Iterables


  (1 votes) by essentialSQL (updated 2 days ago)
Introduction to cross join - create row combinations
  (1 votes) by essentialSQL (updated 2 days ago)
Uncommon SQL server data types

Mobile Development

  (3 votes) by n.podbielski (updated 6 days ago)
Use of IoC container in Xamarin on example of TinyIoC

Raspberry Pi

  (8 votes) by Chris Boss (updated 5 days ago)
It is time !!! Yes, it is time for a replacement for the Raspberry PI and an Intel (x86) based device running real Windows 10. Why do I say this ? The $99 Windows tablet has been surpassed ! If you read my past article, entitled “The $99 Windows tablet.

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (0 votes) by Eowind (updated yesterday)
How to deal with events in the real world

Win32/64 SDK & OS

  (2 votes) by Kelum W. Ganegoda (updated 3 days ago)
Browse Control for ISO SDK App – Part 1

Blogs updated


  (4 votes) by Eowind (updated 2 days ago)
Knowledge based reasoning in .NET C#

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (2 votes) by Eowind (updated 2 days ago)
Something that pops up from time to time is what kind of thread synchronization technique should be used when dealing with shared ´resources in a multi-threaded environment. And yes, I know that the best would be to not share resources at all but that is not always an option, especially when working

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