Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 1, 2017

The Daily Build - AngularJS Event Calendar/Scheduler

The Daily Build - AngularJS Event Calendar/Scheduler
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Headline article

AngularJS Event Calendar/Scheduler

  (49 votes) by Dan Letecky (updated 18 hours ago)
Day/week AngularJS event calendar/scheduler with drag and drop support. PHP and ASP.NET MVC backends.

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Applications & Tools

  (0 votes) by (updated 2 hours ago)
Note: In my series of angular2 article, I use free template at TU, I want to learn Angular2, Where should I start from?For learning Angular2, I think you should follow the list of articles as below (click on link to see detail page):Overview: this


  (4 votes) by Shashangka Shekhar (updated 3 hours ago)
In this article, we will learn about Face API and create a simple ASP.Net MVC application to detect faces in an image by using Face API.


  (3 votes) by kdmote (updated 6 hours ago)
A simple program to translate numbers into their textual representation. (To turn 1013 into "one thousand, thirteen").

Content Management Server

  (1 votes) by Dave Kerr (updated 15 hours ago)
In this article I'm going to show you how to create a resilient Consul cluster, using Terraform and AWS. We can use this cluster for microservice discovery and management. No prior knowledge of the technologies or patterns is required!The final code is at

Cryptography & Security

  (11 votes) by Michael Haephrati (updated 17 hours ago)
When you connect to a Wi-Fi network and choose to save the credentials, they can be later fetched not only by Windows but by anyone who knows where and how to look for them.


  (2 votes) by Ehsan khosravi esfarjani (updated yesterday)
How to schedule backup multi databases in specific directory

Shell and IE programming

  (1 votes) by dandy72 (updated 9 hours ago)
Copy removable media more quickly by eliminating all the usual repetitive application interaction steps you normally have to go through.
  (1 votes) by CodersBus (updated 2 hours ago)
Why learn to code? Here are 11 top reasons how coding skills can benefit you. 1. Develop computer skills by understanding how computers work By learning to write code, you will learn a lot about various software, hardware, and other aspects of computers. You will gain insight into how the way code i

Testing and QA

  (0 votes) by Paul D. Sheriff (updated 4 hours ago)
Every developer needs to test their code, or have it tested by someone. Many developers are not great at testing their own code. The main reason is we tend to test only the "happy path" through the functionality that we wrote. We often avoid testing the boundaries of our code such as invalid inputs,

Trace and Logs

  (2 votes) by Sem Shekhovtsov (updated 9 hours ago)
This article describes how to integrate simple error logger for .Net Core MVC 1.0 web project.

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (1 votes) by (updated 11 hours ago)
What is routing?Routing is mechanism used by angular for navigating between page and displaying appropriated component/page on browser.I was confused, can you explain more in detail?ok, With our code, when you type on address bar this URI "http://localhost/users".Angular will look for the component

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How to resolve an unreferenced type in a .Net application using a partial type name from the GAC.


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Wexflow is an open source workflow engine written in pure C#. Wexflow supports FTP, FTPS, SFTP, Microsoft Sql Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, MySql, SQLite, PostGreSql, Teradata, XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0.
  (5 votes) by Jack Xu, USA (updated 3 hours ago)
This article demonstrates how to convert the WinForm version of the Microsoft chart control into a WPF and MVVM compatible chart control and how to use it to create various charts in a WPF application.

Shell and IE programming

  (14 votes) by Michael Haephrati (updated 15 hours ago)
How to find the Skype default account's name programmatically


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This tip contains easy steps to extract XML data from URLs in VB.NET

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