Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2017

The Daily Build - ToDoList 7.1 - An effective and flexible way to keep on top of your tasks

The Daily Build - ToDoList 7.1 - An effective and flexible way to keep on top of your tasks
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Headline article

ToDoList 7.1 - An effective and flexible way to keep on top of your tasks

  (2295 votes) by .dan.g. (updated 19 hours ago)
A hierarchical task manager with native XML support for custom reporting.

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (6 votes) by Peter Leow (updated 15 hours ago)
Perform CRUD, i.e. Create, Read, Update, and Delete, on data using a SQLite Database on Android.

Applications & Tools

  (8 votes) by MichaelChen_ (updated yesterday)
A simple SVG editor from the viewpoint of programmers.


  (1 votes) by Fernando de Oliveira [MCP] (updated 13 hours ago)
Create your first Bot-as-a-Service with Microsoft Azure Bot Service!


  (5 votes) by wolfoerster (updated 20 hours ago)
A tool to easily mount/unmount VHD files from Windows system image backups
  (5 votes) by Kuv Patel (updated 22 hours ago)
Deserialize nested Xml to complex C# objects or convert a complex c# object to hierarchical XML.

Code Generation

  (0 votes) by PeteBarber (updated 6 hours ago)
I've just started using AWS Lambda with node.js. I was able to develop these locally using the lambda-local npm package, e.g. with node.js installed (via brew) and lambda-local installed (using npm) then the following "hello, world" example is run as follows:hellolambda.js'use strict';console.log('L

Cryptography & Security

  (0 votes) by Sundeep Kamath (updated 2 hours ago)
How to create self-signed certificates using makecert.exe

General Graphics

  (1 votes) by Alvin Penner (updated 14 hours ago)
A file converter to convert general roulette data files into SVG graphics using Bezier curves.

Grid & Data Controls

  (1 votes) by Illya Reznykov (updated 13 hours ago)
The post demonstrates Wpf data grid with dynamically defined number of rows and columns but all cells has the same size.

iOS and watchOS

  (1 votes) by 0209Neha (updated 13 hours ago)
This article describes the creation of a custom UISlider, that has some additional functionality and features to the default slider.

Office Development

  (0 votes) by B. Clay Shannon (updated 14 hours ago)
This C# tip shows how to generate Spreadsheet Range designators as Letter/Char combinations (such as "C7") when the column/row integers are known (such as 3, 7 (or 2, 6 depending on which spreadsheet-generation library you use)

Other .NET Languages

  (0 votes) by Chris Boss (updated 6 hours ago)
IOT (Internet of Things), maker devices (ie. Raspberry PI like devices) and mobile PC devices (ie. phablet) all require software which can perform on minimal hardware. So how does one get such performance ? How can the hobby (“maker”) developers be helped to produce better software ? How

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (0 votes) by Ivan Krivyakov (updated 16 hours ago)
Consider the following code: Why is it false? Because Foo.prototype is in fact not the prototype of Foo, but the prototype of objects created via expression new Foo(): As for […]

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Research Library

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Applications & Tools

  (4 votes) by techcoaching (updated 12 hours ago)
In this article, we will learn how to build and deploy the code

GPU Programming

  (16 votes) by Ryan S White (updated 10 hours ago)
CudaPAD is a PTX/SASS viewer for NVIDIA Cuda kernels and provides an on-the-fly view of your Cuda code.

Testing and QA

  (1 votes) by Metaphysico (updated 6 hours ago)
Quick Setup for a basic Load and Performance Testing System with logging.

User Controls

  (10 votes) by Bryian Tan (updated 13 hours ago)
An article on how to build a multiple selection dropdownlist with the AJAX HoverMenuExtender.

Web Security

  (3 votes) by Bryian Tan (updated 2 hours ago)
Password Strength Indicator using jQuery and XML + NuGet Package

Web Services

  (0 votes) by Fitim Skenderi (updated 14 hours ago)
Connecting securely to MongoDB by using SSL from GO

Windows Presentation Foundation

  (5 votes) by Snesh Prajapati (updated 6 hours ago)
This article discusses how dependency properties are stored in WPF

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