Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 1, 2017

The Daily Build - Artisan ORM or How To Reinvent the Wheel

The Daily Build - Artisan ORM or How To Reinvent the Wheel
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Headline article

Artisan ORM or How To Reinvent the Wheel

  (14 votes) by Vadim Loboda (updated 14 hours ago)
ADO.NET Micro-ORM to SQL Server

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (0 votes) by Cindy Potvin (updated 2 hours ago)
At the end of my last article, I left you hanging after describing activities, without telling you how to build a UI, so here we go. In the Android SDK, layouts are separate from the Java code that defines how an activity behaves.

Client side scripting

  (1 votes) by rohit7209 (updated 3 hours ago)
It is a very simple and effective utility build in jQuery & PHP to implement pagination on HTML table.
  (1 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 3 hours ago)
This is the first part of Rewriting an Employee Tracker using Angular 2 and TypeScript Series.
  (0 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 11 hours ago)
This is the first part of Introducing Angular Multi-Step Wizard using UI-Router Series 3.
  (0 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 11 hours ago)
This is the first part of Introducing Angular Multi-Step Wizard using UI-Router Series 2.


  (0 votes) by Sifiso W Ndlovu (updated 9 hours ago)
A business case that requires the usage of Master Data Services finally landed in my desk. As part of delivering this business case, I had to install and configure SQL Server 2014 Master Data Services in production. I had previously installed and configured SQL Server Master Data Services in a tes

Grid & Data Controls

  (1 votes) by Leif Simon Goodwin (updated 13 hours ago)
This article presents an attached behaviour for the WPF DataGrid control which allows multiple columns to share the same width, and columns to shrink to fit their content.


  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 2 hours ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]


  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 20 hours ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]

SQL Reporting Services

  (0 votes) by Sifiso W Ndlovu (updated 3 hours ago)
One of the exciting new features you may want to explore in SQL Server 2016 is PolyBase. However, as I attempted to install PolyBase, I ran into more than one errors. In this post, I provide ways of resolving these errors.Error: Rule “Oracle JRE 7 Update 51 (64-bit) or higher is required” faile

Testing and QA

  (2 votes) by rushfive (updated 23 hours ago)
Before I started doing software development, writing unit tests was usually an afterthought or something I neglected while working on my personal projects. After working for a while at a job that necessitates writing unit tests, the benefits of unit test coverage has become undeniably clear.

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (2 votes) by Yogi S. (updated 23 hours ago)
Sometimes we need to show visitors some important message when they visit your website. It can be done with jQuery Popup (also known as jQuery Modal). Here jQuery isused to open a small message box in the centre of the screen. In this message box you can show any message like welcome text, coupons,
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated yesterday)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]
  (0 votes) by Dave Ceddia (updated yesterday)
Have you heard of Create React App? It's a tool for bootstrapping React apps. Better than a boilerplate where you have to manage the dependencies yourself, Create React App (a.k.a. CRA) contains all the Webpack magic and build scripts. It's one command to generate a project, and then all you nee
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 15 hours ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]
  (0 votes) by Nicolas Dorier (updated 4 hours ago)
IaaS Management Studio generates powershell script for everything you do. Most operations on VMs start like that $cert64 = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String("#Base64 of the certificate....") $cert = New-Object 'System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2' $cert64, "" Set-AzureSub
  (0 votes) by Sifiso W Ndlovu (updated 3 hours ago)
In my article, Single package deployment in SQL Server Integration Services 2016, I covered the exciting single package deployment feature available in SQL Server 2016 via SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) 2015. I think in the midst of the excitement, some people started confusing this new feature wit

Universal Windows Platform and Windows Runtime

  (0 votes) by Sifiso W Ndlovu (updated 9 hours ago)
I previously got rid of my desktop when its motherboard got damaged. Prior to throwing it away, I recovered its SATA hard drive.

Web Security

  (0 votes) by Passion4Code (updated 4 hours ago)
Recently while I was using GIT, the options in the browser on the GITHUB site, launched the application installed on my system!

Web Services

  (1 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 2 hours ago)
This is the first part of Rewriting an Employee Tracker Web API in ASP.NET Core 1.0 Series. You will learn how to: Part 1 – Create a Web API Application in C# (This Post) Part 2 – Create the Web API services The source code for this tutorial series is published on GitHub. Demo applicati
  (0 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 10 hours ago)
This is the first part of Building an Employee Tracker using AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API Series.

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Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

.NET Framework

  (5 votes) by Pawel Wzietek (updated 11 hours ago)
synchronous/asynchronous control via multiple interfaces with command queuing


  (7 votes) by Pritam Zope (updated 5 hours ago)
In this article, we will create a Notepad with features like Multi Tabbed Documents, Document Selector, File Association,Opening/Saving Multiple Files, Line Numbers, Running External Programs, Viewing files in Browser, Full Screen Mode, etc.

Client side scripting

  (7 votes) by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner (updated 11 hours ago)
While many new JavaScript features of ES6 (=ES2015) are still (in 2016!) not available in all important web browsers, the promising new feature of a JavaScript "promise" has arrived. This tutorial shows how to use it.

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