Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 1, 2017

Daily News - Do the many types of coding languages stifle creativity?

Daily News - Do the many types of coding languages stifle creativity?
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Industry News
When you have to Google the service they're shutting down, I guess there's a reason
Source: Android Central
I'd say a $2Billion bet is pretty confident
Source: Ars Technica
"Laser-based intrusion detection systems". Quick, call Tom Cruise!
Source: ZDNet
I bet that's not going on his resume
Source: USA Today
Source: CommitStrip
Developer News
I know I always get confused after typing File > New
Source: DZone
I'm willing to experiment on this
Source: Glassdoor
It's how to lie with a whiteboard, isn't it?
Source: O'Reilly
You mean I should stop coding in QBasic?
Source: Infoworld
Science and Technology
I wonder what these studies have to say about human behaviour
Source: Medical XPress
Better f'ing believe it
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
I stripped out all the logic. The code runs faster now.
Source: CodeProject
"Bait the hook well: this fish will bite."
Source: CodeProject

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