Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 12, 2016

The Daily Build - Single Page Application (SPA) for Enterprise App (Angular2 & WebApi) - Part 1 - Overview

The Daily Build - Single Page Application (SPA) for Enterprise App (Angular2 & WebApi) - Part 1 - Overview

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Headline article

Single Page Application (SPA) for Enterprise App (Angular2 & WebApi) - Part 1 - Overview

  (56 votes) by techcoaching (updated 2 hours ago)
How to build the SPA for enterprise application using Angular2 and WebApi (RESTful)

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

.NET Framework

  (1 votes) by Rajesh Sreenivasan (updated 2 hours ago)
In this article, explaining how to setup AngularJs2 unit test project using Jasmine and Chutzpah in visual studio 2015
  (1 votes) by Member 12883374 (updated 20 hours ago)
Gaining extra control of an application's UI through accessing the visual tree

Algorithms & Recipes

  (4 votes) by Tung.Nguyen.2k (updated 2 days ago)
How to implement B-Tree's searching, insertion and deletion in Java


  (0 votes) by Jalle (updated 2 hours ago)
Consuming WebAPI2 service from Android application

Applications & Tools

  (1 votes) by techcoaching (updated 2 days ago)
In this article, We will learn why do we need to manage the stages of our application.


  (4 votes) by Vincent Maverick Durano (updated 2 days ago)
This article will walk you through on implementing a simple "shoutbox" feature in your ASP.NET MVC 5 application.
  (1 votes) by levelnis (updated 2 days ago)
This is part 3 of a 4-part series on using DataTables with WebAPI.
  (1 votes) by Adi_Mag (updated yesterday)
Integrate Serilog with ASP.NET Core application


  (0 votes) by Z Kavtaskin (updated 3 hours ago)

Boards / Embedded devices

  (0 votes) by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner (updated 2 hours ago)
Home Automation is made simple for everyone, with the industrial grade PRODINo ESP8266 based module. It can be programmed with the Arduino IDE and allows to control (ON/OFF switch) mains (110-240 VAC) powered devices such as light bulbs, water pumps, cafe machines or garage doors.


  (3 votes) by Kel_ (updated 23 hours ago)
Visualizing a stream of tweets using Emitter Publish/Subscribe in real-time. Deploying .NET Core on Linux with Docker.
  (2 votes) by Carsten Breum (updated 14 hours ago)
Showing an architecture for a service to handle multiple clients on their own thread using the DispatcherObject.
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In this project we will explain how you can create an unlimited sudoku grid creator.
  (0 votes) by Ádám Ficsór (updated 2 days ago)
Tutorial and template for building a basic, cross-platform Bitcoin wallet in .NET Core.
  (0 votes) by Muhammad Magdi (updated 15 hours ago)
Step by step guide to add pre and post power-shell scripts to TFS2012 build

Cryptography & Security

  (1 votes) by Russ Osterlund (updated 2 days ago)
Code Obfuscation in 64-Bit Land


  (1 votes) by jamuro77 (updated yesterday)
In this article I'm going to show some useful SQL using Recursive Queries and Windowing Functions. So, if you don't know them yet, take a look, time has come to start to deal with

Debug Tips

  (0 votes) by Mahesh Patil (updated 2 days ago)
How we debugged environment specific issues with ActivePDF Toolkit openInputFile returning -1 and how windows uses DLLs in System32 and SysWOW64 folders based on the application pool run mode

Desktop Gadgets

  (1 votes) by Rion Williams (updated yesterday)
Sick of dealing with browser quirks? Or maybe one of your users just LOVES some old crappy version of Internet Explorer? Or do you have users that simply cannot avoid the temptation of an address bar that can take them on a journey to social media land?This short post

Grid & Data Controls

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To simplify working with jQuery Datatables.
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Here's how to connect an ESP8266-12 to a DS1820 thermometer and perform aPre-requisites! I'll be using these components:@ A standard ESP8266-12 on a breakout-board such as the one shown.@ Three 4.7k resistors.@ A 3v battery (I use a CR123a) for powering the ESP826612.@ A DS1820 (i use the DO-92 pack


  (1 votes) by Peter Leow (updated yesterday)
Dealing with Forms in Bootstrap

Internet / Network

  (3 votes) by Kel_ (updated yesterday)
Building a financial stock explorer app using open-source emitter publish/subscribe, Go and Javascript.


  (2 votes) by axuno (updated 21 hours ago)
SmartFormat.NET /2 is a string template library that allows you to fill a string with data. Easy to use, fast, extensible, and extremely powerful. Allows for named {placeholders} using any data type, conditional formatting, iterating through IEnumerables, and much more.


  (1 votes) by Awesh Vishwakarma (updated 2 days ago)
The easiest way to use Entity Framework with SQLite databases in C# Winform and Console Applications

Mobile Development

  (0 votes) by Ahmed Bouchefra (updated yesterday)
Throughout this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use Ionic 1 and ngCordova by building a flashlight app for Android and how to use angular-translate to add mutli language support to our app.

Testing and QA

  (6 votes) by Yevgeniy Shunevych (updated 2 days ago)
C#/.NET test automation full featured framework based on Selenium WebDriver.

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (1 votes) by Eowind (updated yesterday)
Something that pops up from time to time is what kind of thread synchronization technique should be used when dealing with shared ´resources in a multi-threaded environment. And yes, I know that the best would be to not share resources at all but that is not always an option, especially when working
  (0 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 22 hours ago)
Not many realize it, but just using Microsoft’s Outlook email program can be a handy tool in the war against spam. The good thing is that the feature we are talking about works by default, right out of the box.
  (0 votes) by Eowind (updated yesterday)
If I want to get an average of a series of values, I usually just put them in a List and the run the Average() function on it.But from time to time, there is a need to calculate averages continuously over time where the list alternative just won't cut it as the calculation will cost more and

Universal Windows Platform and Windows Runtime

  (0 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 2 days ago)
This post discusses how to create a usable Active Directory Domain on Windows Azure
  (0 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 21 hours ago)
Microsoft announced last night that Windows 10 CTP will be available shortly, along with server and management tools coming up soon after that.
  (0 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 5 hours ago)
In Windows Server 2012, have you tried to repeatedly turn ON the “Network Discovery” option only to have it turned off again? It seems it depends on a few services at the back that are both disabled and turned off on server systems. The fix is to turn them back on.
  (0 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 10 hours ago)
Every time you shutdown a modern day Windows Server computer, it asks you for a reason for the shutdown or reboot. Some of us do not like it and disable the Shutdown Event Tracker, and others diligently select or enter a reason.
  (0 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 2 hours ago)
Recently, a client called up in the middle of the night saying their Hyper V host had crashed out badly and they needed a server rebuild as fast as it could possibly be done.
  (0 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 2 hours ago)
Did your DNS server on Windows Server 2012 R2 suddenly start crashing? If so, here is a simple work around. Sometime ago, I was rebuilding some DNS servers and noticed that after a few seconds the DNS Server service would suddenly shutdown.
  (0 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 2 hours ago)
Are you missing the “Sleep” shortcut on your Windows computer? Here is an easy way to put your computer to “sleep” using the Command Prompt. Especially for laptops, “Sleep” is a good standby mode when you are not using the system for quite some time.

Windows Powershell

  (2 votes) by fededim (updated 2 days ago)
Create quickly VPN connections in Windows according to a XML configuration file.

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Applications & Tools

  (8 votes) by techcoaching (updated 2 hours ago)
In this article, we will learn how to create/edit Role
  (8 votes) by techcoaching (updated 16 hours ago)
In this article, we will why and why not using DI & IoC from my real situation.I did not tell you that DI is not good. From my view, each tech has it own pros and cons. So It is better if we know when we can use which techs for our business.
  (4 votes) by techcoaching (updated 16 hours ago)
In this article, We will have a look to unserstand how RESTful/WebApi was applied in my code
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In this article, we will see how to use multi-languages(i18n) in angular2
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This tip explains how we should structure our project folder


  (40 votes) by Vincent Maverick Durano (updated 2 days ago)
This article is part 1 of the series for building a simple web application in ASP.NET MVC 5.
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In this article, we explain how to build a simple and easy to use log platform, keeping in mind performance ad security.

C / C++ Language

  (31 votes) by David Lafreniere (updated 2 days ago)
Simplify passing data between threads using this multithreaded, portable C++ asynchronous callback framework.
  (15 votes) by David Lafreniere (updated 2 days ago)
A framework combining state machines and multicast asynchronous callbacks.


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It's very important to know what sort of JOINs are available in SQL Server and where exactly we can use them, in order to produce accurate results.
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This article describes a technique to quickly retrieve and present hierarchical information from a flat relational database table.

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