Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 12, 2016

Daily News - Exercise your greatest power as a developer

Daily News - Exercise your greatest power as a developer

From Daily News Intergalactic Headquarters:

Welcome to the week without news. Well, there will be news of course, it's just that most of it is "What happened in 2016" and "What we think might happen in 2017". That, combined with our team being short one member this week (Kent has nogged himself out of the game), means we might have shorter newsletters this week.

We'll try to keep the Daily News topical, but we might also sprinkle in some of our own favorite news items from 2016 as paddingfiller. Hopefully you won't mind much, and we'll try to get back to 'normal' as soon as events allow.

Oh, and Happy New Year to everyone!

Bob (no, not that Bob)

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Industry News
Admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery
Source: Softpedia
Unless your website is a place of ill repute
Source: Troy Hunt
Instead of a convertible, they're going with a station wagon model.
Source: OnMSFT
"But there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Casey has struck out."
Source: re/code
Bad news about your grandmother's computer
Source: Computerworld
Developer News
Gamma rays not needed
Source: Microsoft Azure blog
Don't read while alone in the dark
Source: Rockford Lhotka
The pythoniest Python to ever python a python (with lemon curry)
Source: Infoworld
"There is no 'try'"
Source: Simple Programmer
Also: "Whatever they've added to C# lately"
Source: IT World
Science and Technology
In case you need to plan your next million years
Source: Engadget
"Sup, sup, suppertime!"
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
"Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew."
Source: CodeProject
Give yourself the gift of coding
Source: CodeProject
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