Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 12, 2016

The Daily Build - C# Version 7 - Introduction to new language features

The Daily Build - C# Version 7 - Introduction to new language features

.NET Core articles needed!

.NET Core has reached the 1.1 release. It's cross-platform, open source, and wicked fast. Plus you can code on your Mac.

Microsoft are pushing cross-platform development hard and it opens up a whole new world for old school .NET developers. If you've worked with .NET on Linux, or written an Android app using C# on your Mac then share your experiences and write an article. This is an incredible time to be a developer.

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Headline article

C# Version 7 - Introduction to new language features

  (42 votes) by Rasik Bihari Tiwari (updated 2 days ago)
Let's get our hands dirty with new features of upcoming version 7 of C# language in .Net framework

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

.NET Framework

  (0 votes) by Member 12817427 (updated yesterday)
In this tip, I'll show you how to hash a file or string without blocking the GUI thread using CSHash (a self-made hashing library).
  (0 votes) by Shesh Lamichhane (updated 2 days ago)
Step by step to add the transformation files of app.config in your .NET Windows service
  (0 votes) by Mang Irpan (updated 10 hours ago)
A tool to generate POCO, query, and Data Access Object classes for your database application project


  (2 votes) by levelnis (updated 2 days ago)
Part 4 of a series on using DataTables with WebAPI
  (0 votes) by maheshmohan (updated 5 hours ago)
Master detail CRUD operation using MVC, Datatables , jquery and ajax.
  (0 votes) by OmarIsaid (updated yesterday)
Solution for passing data from View to controller, contains useful concepts for beginner developers

C / C++ Language

  (3 votes) by Arthur V. Ratz (updated yesterday)
In this article, we'll demonstrate an approach the allows to increase the performance (up to 600%) of the code that implements the conventional distribution counting algorithm (DCA) using NVIDIA CUDA 8.0 Runtime API


  (2 votes) by Arthur V. Ratz (updated 16 hours ago)
In this article we'll demonstrate the implementation of k-means clustering algorithm to produce recommendations.

Client side scripting

  (1 votes) by Dr. Song Li (updated 9 hours ago)
This is a note on setting the environment for Angular 2 & Typescript in Visual Studio.
  (0 votes) by Ganesh_Mohan (updated 2 days ago)
Script for Popup in Chrome replacement of window.showModalDialog

Date and Time

  (10 votes) by Graham Wilson (updated 2 days ago)
An exercise to measure the drift in the time-of-day clock on a Windows PC using the periodic timer.
  (0 votes) by Alexey Chernobaev (updated yesterday)
Date and time source interface allows to use different actual date and time sources (e.g. current system time or accelerated system time) in your C# code to simplify debugging, simulation, etc.

Files and Folders

  (1 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 3 days ago)
SCRIPT Clear all TEMP Files and Folders

Internet / Network

  (1 votes) by gfazzola (updated yesterday)
In this article I will explain the implementation of an infrastructure to host and manage windows services in a practical and interactive way.As a practical example of the solution will be implemented a dynamic ip update client of DucDNS

IoT on Azure

  (3 votes) by Sundeep Kamath (updated 3 days ago)
How to create custom roles in Azure to control resource access permissions and their benefits.


  (3 votes) by Md. Faroque Hossain (updated 6 hours ago)
Sending Faxes with fax-modem and telephone line in C#


  (2 votes) by Sibeesh Passion (updated 21 hours ago)
In this post we will see how we can upload files or images to server using Node JS. Here we are going to use Visual Studio for our development and preceding NPM packages for our easy development. express multer body-parser We will briefly explain the use of these packages.

Raspberry Pi

  (0 votes) by Dennis E White (updated 5 hours ago)
I wanted to share some experiences of getting VNC setup on my Raspberry Pi. How hard could the experience be? A basic search on google and there are a ton of tutorials and examples to follow getting everything setup.

SharePoint Server

  (1 votes) by Melick (updated 3 days ago)
Default SharePoint 2013 / 2010 system pages where you should take care when you go online

Site & Server Management

  (1 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 2 days ago)
How to configure a DNS server
  (1 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 2 days ago)
This post shows you how to set up an SPF record on your DNS Server

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (0 votes) by Sibeesh Passion (updated 3 hours ago)
In this post we are going to create a MVC CRUD application with the help of Knockout JS. We will be using SQL database and Visual Studio for our development. If you are new to MVC, I strongly recommend you to read my previous post about MVC here. Now let’s begin.

Universal Windows Platform and Windows Runtime

  (1 votes) by Chris Boss (updated 2 days ago)
Exciting !    Amazing !    Wonderful ! OK, maybe that is a bit much, but it is exciting to see Microsofts move to support x86 emulation on ARM based Windows 10 mobile devices. From what I have read so far, the x86 emulation will only support 32 bit WIN32 (x86) applications, but that is fine by me.
  (0 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 2 days ago)
How to configure the Windows Firewall on a Windows Server

User Controls

  (1 votes) by Vivek Goyal (updated 3 days ago)
How to add user controls and define its functionality in C#.NET

Web Services

  (1 votes) by _duDE (updated 2 days ago)
This article explains how to consume a WebService (SOAP) from plain VisualBasicScript by using a COM DLL written in C#.

Windows Communication Foundation

  (1 votes) by santosh.yadav198613 (updated 3 hours ago)
Thank you everyone for your support till now, as discussed in last post we will cover transaction support in WCF. Let’s see how we can implement the same, we will make sure that we will be wsHttpBinding as it supports Transaction. INTRODUCTION: We will create a library service, where we will s

Windows Powershell

  (1 votes) by Sujay Sarma (updated 2 days ago)
Here is a script to create an event source using PowerShell

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Research Library

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (21 votes) by Qwertie (updated yesterday)
The Lexical Macro Processor transforms your C# code with a LISP-inspired macro system. Nice substitute for T4 templates, with Visual Studio integration and a Linux-compatible editor.

Cryptography & Security

  (4 votes) by Russ Osterlund (updated 13 hours ago)
Code Obfuscation in 64-Bit Land


  (42 votes) by Mika Wendelius (updated 11 hours ago)
Desribes how to store and fetch binary data to a filestream column compared to a varbinary column.
  (20 votes) by Vadim Loboda (updated 2 days ago)
A way to persist C# object graph to database with single procedure using ADO.NET and table valued parameters

Design and Architecture

  (4 votes) by Riccardo Cervelli (updated 2 days ago)
Redraw database structure to improve productivity

Internet / Network

  (2 votes) by urigg123 (updated 3 days ago)
Describes how to design a lock like mechanism in a distributed solution to allow exclusive access or leader election to one of the server components.


  (13 votes) by Daniele Fontani (updated 6 hours ago)
that is the question. A comparison between these two technologies and some tips to chose the best that suits your needs.

Programming Tips

  (8 votes) by Forhad Reza (updated 20 hours ago)
In this tip, we will see how we can use the Rust language to do GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming. As an example program, we will create a simple Window. Using Win32 API functions.

Windows Presentation Foundation

  (17 votes) by Cory Charlton (updated yesterday)
A thread-safe implementation of the ObservableCollection class
  (12 votes) by Meshack Musundi (updated yesterday)
A WPF chess application that uses the Stockfish chess engine

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