Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 12, 2016

Daily News - Oracle finally targets Java non-payers – six years after plucking Sun

Daily News - Oracle finally targets Java non-payers – six years after plucking Sun
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Industry News
Because everyone always listens to the UN
Source: TechRepublic
I leave it as an exercise for the reader as to whether that strategy is applied anywhere
Source: Dark Reading
There might just be a "Natural Stupidity" joke in there
Source: ZDNet
Now people are going to find out I took that VB training video.
Source: Neowin
Did it have something to do with contacting the ground?
Source: re/code
Source: DevOps
Developer News
But now how are they going to keep the barbarians out of the castle?
Source: Ars Technica
Including reusing secure libraries?
Source: Threat Post
"O constancy, be strong upon my side,"
Source: Bartek
How about some limoncello?
Source: DZone
Science and Technology
Does it pick up the world's smallest violin?
Source: Science Daily
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Why did your parrot decide to leave?
Source: CodeProject
Is that CERN page still live?
Source: CodeProject

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