Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 12, 2016

Mobile Newsletter - App Developers Face Huge Challenges in 2017

Mobile Newsletter - App Developers Face Huge Challenges in 2017
Welcome to this week's Mobile Development newsletter from CodeProject.
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Vast Majority of iOS Apps Fail to Meet Apple's Encryption Requirements

Developers of iOS apps have their work cut out for them as the New Year approaches, as only 3 percent of top apps implement Apple's mandated App Transport Security. (more: eWeek)

Add Yap to Your App with Bot Framework

Combine the chat interface with the Microsoft Bot Framework, and the end result is a natural, conversational dialog that will allow you to interact with your users in a new, but familiar, way. (more: Xamarin)

Cortana to open up to new devices and developers with Cortana Skills Kit and Cortana Devices SDK

The personal digital assistant is the interface where all the powers of that intelligence can become an extension of each one of us. (more: Building Apps for Windows)

Swift 3.1 coming in spring 2017, focus quickly switching to Swift 4

Apple's Swift team is aiming to have version 3.1 of the programming language ready next spring, after which it will fully turn its attention to Swift 4, according to a recent blog post. (more: Apple Insider)

App Developers Face Huge Challenges in 2017

The future is unclear, but one thing we can foretell as certain as the rising of the sun tomorrow: mobile apps will remain big into next year. (more: Dice Insights)

What is Adaptive Design? (And is it Different from Responsive Design?

We've come to know "responsive design" to be the act of designing websites that display correctly on all devices and screen sizes. But some argue that "adaptive design" is a better name for this. (more: Sitepoint)

Java vs. Kotlin: Should You Be Using Kotlin for Android Development?

While it's true that the majority of Android apps are written in Java, when it comes to Android development, Java isn't your only option. (more: Envato Tuts)

Technical Blogs updated

Files and Folders

  (1 votes) by Simon Jackson (updated 7 hours ago)
How to convert DirectX .X files for use in games

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