Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 8, 2024

Web Developer Newsletter - MathML to/from Plain Text Converter

Web Developer Newsletter - MathML to/from Plain Text Converter

Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

Industry News

In this course, you will learn how to use key components that form the SDK and how to create an agentic AI solution that can be embedded within an ASP.NET Core web application.
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Jamie Maquire
JS-PyTorch is a Deep Learning JavaScript library, which uses the seamless PyTorch syntax.
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Blazor shook up the .NET-centric web-dev space several years ago with its new ability to create web apps using C# and .NET instead of primarily coding UI with JavaScript like most every other framework, and it has been steadily advancing every since.
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Visual Studio magazine
The W3C CSS-Next community group is actively searching for better approaches for how we describe the evolution of CSS over time and identify feature sets as effectively as we did with CSS3 way back in 2009 — and you can help.
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Smashing magazine
Google has confirmed plans to implement Web Monetization in Chrome, allowing website owners to receive micro-payments as tips or rewards for their content as an additional way to generate revenue.
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Bleeping Computer
Porffor is a unique JS engine/compiler/runtime, compiling JS code to WebAssembly or native ahead-of-time.
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A free roadmap for learning web components
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Learn Web Components
Find actively maintained and popular libraries in the Node.js ecosystem
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Node.js Toolbox
Angular and React are essentially the same framework, said Angular lead Minko Gechev, who has been given the job of converging two Google frameworks.
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The New Stack

Tips and Tricks updated

Web Development

  (33 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 10 hours ago)
Converts MathML coded string to/from plain text string

New Technical Blogs added

Programming Languages

  (0 votes) by Christian Specht (updated 4 days ago)
In this post, I create a custom printable map using Maperitive and OpenStreetMap, which allowed for adjustable font sizes and bypassed Google Maps' printing restrictions.

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