Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 8, 2024

Web Developer Newsletter - Creating a Web Development Bot with OpenAI ChatGPT-4o

Web Developer Newsletter - Creating a Web Development Bot with OpenAI ChatGPT-4o

Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

Industry News

20 years since open source release, here comes Ruby on Rails 7.2 with JIT compiler and more
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Dev Class
Using in-memory caching improves the performance and scalability of web applications.
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Modern CSS keeps giving us a lot of new, easier ways to solve old problems, but often the new features we're getting don't only solve old problems, they open up new possibilities as well.
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CSS Tricks
Es-toolkit is a modern JavaScript utility library that offers a performant, type-safe alternative to Lodash.
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A fresh look at the CSS grid template areas and how to take advantage of its full potential today.
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Ahmad Shadeed
While the TypeScript team provides general guidance about type performance in their wiki, it can be daunting to determine how to effectively measure type checker performance and identify appropriate strategies to address any discovered issues.
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Ever wondered if and where you have obsolete HTML in your code base, whether center or spacer elements, or align or border attributes?
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Jens Oliver Meiert

New articles added

Game Development

  (1 votes) by Pat Dooley (updated 4 days ago)
This article describes my approach to writing a word game that imitates Wordle and further games that use the same techniques.

New Tips and Tricks added

Artificial Intelligence

  (3 votes) by ADemontis (updated 3 days ago)
Create a visual automatic webpage generator bot using ChatGPT-4o API

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