Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 8, 2024

🤖📰 Microsoft warns of unpatched Office vulnerability leading to data exposure - The Daily Insider

🤖📰 Microsoft warns of unpatched Office vulnerability leading to data exposure - The Daily Insider
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Industry News
Because they're tired of just crashing computers
Source: Engadget
Yes, that's a face. They must be legit.
Source: Neowin
Maybe they should save some time and warn us when Office isn't vulnerable?
Source: The Hacker News
Database of mother's maiden name and favourite pet still unhacked
Source: Bleeping Computer
Developer News
In related news, they find that internet searches work well
Source: The Register
I got nothing (or at least that's what I'm returning)
Source: The Old New Thing
It's Tuesday?
Source: Information Week
Look for...the union label. When you are...declaring that var.
Source: C# language
Science and Technology
Bruce Willis should still remain on hold for now
Source: Gizmodo
Well, it's one higher, innit?
Source: Quanta magazine
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Because you never know when you might need it again
Source: CodeProject

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