Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 8, 2024

Web Developer Newsletter - MathML to/from Plain Text Converter

Web Developer Newsletter - MathML to/from Plain Text Converter

Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

Industry News

Check out this post for the main features of ASP.NET Core for handling data in JSON format.
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An explainer for doing web development using only vanilla techniques. No tools, no frameworks — just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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Plain Vanilla
I'll discuss best practices to avoid excess memory usage when managing updating the DOM to make your apps blazingly fast™?.
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FrontEnd Masters
More than a million domain names — including many registered by Fortune 100 firms and brand protection companies — are vulnerable to takeover by cybercriminals thanks to authentication weaknesses at a number of large web hosting providers and domain registrars, new research finds.
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Krebs on Security
Understanding how search engines crawl, render, and index web pages is crucial for optimizing sites for search engines.
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JS-PyTorch is a Deep Learning JavaScript library, which uses the seamless PyTorch syntax.
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This article will go through most of typescripts features through the lens of: types are the sets they can create and typescript is a functional programming language that operates on sets
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Robby Pruzan

New articles added

Desktop Programming

  (0 votes) by sunhui (updated 14 hours ago)
Every 64 bit desktop application based on PE executable files has a "super web browser" launching mode, allowing developers to directly write any number of webpages for it.

Web Development

  (2 votes) by Mark Pelf (updated 4 days ago)
A practical guide to using jQuery component in Asp.Net 8 MVC application.

New Tips and Tricks added

Web Development

  (0 votes) by Lewis Kerr (updated 43 minutes ago)
A quick code solution of how to make HTTP requests through a proxy with Java

Tips and Tricks updated

Web Development

  (33 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 4 days ago)
Converts MathML coded string to/from plain text string

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