Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 12, 2016

Daily News - Windows 10 Creators Update advances security and best-in-class modern IT tools

Daily News - Windows 10 Creators Update advances security and best-in-class modern IT tools
Click here Connect to Big Data & NoSQL Through Standard Drivers
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Click here How to track every change to your SQL Server database
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Click here Need to create Excel Charts?
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Industry News
You mean it's not all about wiggling your Surface Knob?
Source: Windows business blog
Hmmm. To make a joke about Windows 10, or The Cloud. Oh, decisions.
Source: Business Insider
Steganography for the win!
Source: Ars Technica
That's going to leave a (very shiny) mark
Source: Reuters
Source: Dilbert
Developer News
Get your head in the clouds
Source: OnMSFT
Sessile big data devs less so
Source: Application Development Trends
Will it run on all my light bulbs?
Source: Infoworld
You mean you can't learn why manhole covers are round at a boot camp?
Source: Bloomberg
Science and Technology
Now that Snap! song is stuck in my head
Source: Popular Mechanics
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
So many standards, so much fun
Source: CodeProject
"The hurrier I go, the behinder I get"
Source: CodeProject

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