Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 12, 2016

Daily News - Why exceptions should be exceptional

Daily News - Why exceptions should be exceptional
Click here "GO Geppetto®" Intel® Joule™ Design Contest
Designers for the Intel® Joule™ can now design expansion boards with Geppetto® by dragging and dropping modules like connectors, LTE and more onto their boards. Enter your design and it could be manufactured for free by Intel and Gumstix. Enter today!
Click here Need to create Excel Charts?
Use SpreadsheetGear to enable users to visualize data with comprehensive Excel-compatible charting, which makes creating, modifying, rendering and interacting with complex charts easier than ever before. Try it now!
Industry News
Google? Spying? Really?
Source: Android Authority
How to fund your company's comeback
Source: Ars Technica
Better late than never?
Source: Networkworld
Source: CommitStrip
Developer News
Because you can't write clean code in JavaScript?
Source: Atomic Object
"Finally" is not quite the word that came to mind
It's right there in the name
Source: Matt Warren
"May you find the answer that you seek. It is here, I promise you. And now, auf Wiedersehen."
Source: Lars Trieloff
Science and Technology
Isn't that... their job?
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
You forgot the "30 years experience" part
Source: CodeProject

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