Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 12, 2016

Daily News - There’s no 'thing' you can do to be Agile

Daily News - There's no 'thing' you can do to be Agile
Click here How to track every change to your SQL Server database
Want to see who made database development changes, what they were working on, and why they made each change? Redgate SQL Source Control works with your source control system to give you a full version history, with line-level changes. Learn more.
Click here Need to create Excel Charts?
Use SpreadsheetGear to enable users to visualize data with comprehensive Excel-compatible charting, which makes creating, modifying, rendering and interacting with complex charts easier than ever before. Try it now!
Industry News
Those AI are really getting clever
Source: Fortune
It will be known by the cryptic title: DOS boot disc
Source: Windows Central
You're only delaying the inevitable, you know
Source: MS Power User
"Should not have got on this flight tonight"
Source: BBC
Developer News
"Transform and roll out!"
Source: SD Times
You'd be amazed at how much you can hide in paisley
Source: Simple Programmer
Is this that, "there is no spoon" thing?
Source: Information week
You'd think they'd have a job by now
Have you tried putting iron pills in your model?
Source: DZone
Science and Technology
The universe has developed a stutter?
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Gets shameful newsletter promotion
Source: CodeProject

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