Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 12, 2016

Daily News - 17 for ’17: Microsoft researchers on what to expect in 2017 and 2027

Daily News - 17 for '17: Microsoft researchers on what to expect in 2017 and 2027
Click here Big news for the web dev community! Ignite UI is now open source!
Ignite UI core is now Open Source and available on GitHub. Core includes a complete set of high-performance, touch-first, responsive and highly extensible controls designed to build user-friendly JavaScript applications. Learn more.
Click here Start inventing today with the Intel® IoT Developer Program
The Intel® IoT Developer Program offers knowledge, tools, kits and a community of experts to quickly and easily turn your innovative ideas into IoT Solutions. Get your Intel® IoT Developer Kit for Intel® Edison and Intel® Galileo platforms.
Click here Need to create Excel Charts?
Use SpreadsheetGear to enable users to visualize data with comprehensive Excel-compatible charting, which makes creating, modifying, rendering and interacting with complex charts easier than ever before. Try it now!
Industry News
It worked out so well last time
Source: ZDNet
OK, we'll let them run the companies then
Source: Beta News
They'll get back to bugging you to upgrade shortly
Source: PC World
Now you can buy kale without embarrassment
Source: The Verge
Developer News
"We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives"
Source: The Official Microsoft blog
Bonus marks if you plug one into the other. There can be only one!
Source: Engadget
It's the semi-colons
Source: Telerik
"They did it by making the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make: They decided to rewrite the code from scratch."
Source: DaedTech
And if you could see your way to lending me tree-fiddy until next Tuesday, I'd be ever so grateful
Source: 24 ways
Science and Technology
"Bam, zoom, straight to the moon."
Source: The Telegraph
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
How many Programming Languages do you regularly use?
Source: CodeProject
Do you like curly braces?
Source: CodeProject

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