Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 6, 2024

💾 WPF based exciting Pong Game - The Daily Build

💾 WPF based exciting Pong Game - The Daily Build

Headline article

WPF based exciting Pong Game

  (8 votes) by Sbk123 (updated 12 hours ago)
This is a multi player Pong game written in C#/ WPF using Visual Studio

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Programming Languages

  (1 votes) by Michael Sydney Balloni (updated 2 days ago)
This article documents foundational changes to mscript that position it to take on PowerShell and Python in bang for the buck for tasks currently implemented using nasty batch files.
  (2 votes) by raddevus (updated 1 week ago)
Attempting to simplify calling .NET Core WebAPIs When Calling Via JS Fetch (Numerous Examples)
  (2 votes) by Abet Giron 2022 (updated 1 week ago)
A simple working solution for real-time (almost) update using server-sent events

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (1 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 1 week ago)
Finds Roots of a Polynomial with complex coefficients using an "extended" Bisection method

Programming Languages

  (20 votes) by Jerome Vonk (updated 1 week ago)
Simple chess game, written in C++, that runs in a console. Made for didactic purposes and fun :)
  (2 votes) by Jens Eckervogt (updated 1 week ago)
There are new convertions for C#


  (4 votes) by Federico Di Marco (updated 1 week ago)
Fededim.Extensions.Configuration.Protected is an improved ConfigurationBuilder which allows partial or full encryption of configuration values stored inside any possible ConfigurationSource and fully integrated in the ASP.NET Core architecture using Data Protection API.

Web Development

  (1 votes) by Christian Specht (updated 1 week ago)
In this post I migrate my blog from Jekyll to Hugo and share what I learned.
  (4 votes) by Christian Specht (updated 1 week ago)
Looking at two solutions of how to create an image gallery with Hugo and Lightbox2, one with Hugo's EXIF feature, one without.
  (2 votes) by Christian Specht (updated 1 week ago)
How to create an image gallery with Lightbox2

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