Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 6, 2024

💾 Sqlstone: Every User Owns A Personal Copy of the Database: Solving Backend Challenges (Data Availability / Ownership) - The Daily Build

💾 Sqlstone: Every User Owns A Personal Copy of the Database: Solving Backend Challenges (Data Availability / Ownership) - The Daily Build
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Headline article

Sqlstone: Every User Owns A Personal Copy of the Database: Solving Backend Challenges (Data Availability / Ownership)

  (2 votes) by raddevus (updated 17 hours ago)
Using .NET Core 8.x to create a WebAPI framework which saves each user's data in a personal copy of Sqlite database.

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Desktop Programming

  (3 votes) by Shao Voon Wong (updated 1 week ago)
MFC KillFocus Derived CEdit to solve the Q&A question which has been reposted

Internet of Things

  (2 votes) by honey the codewitch (updated 1 week ago)
Using my IoT ecosystem to produce an Internet enabled clock

Programming Languages

  (2 votes) by raddevus (updated 1 week ago)
Attempting to simplify calling .NET Core WebAPIs When Calling Via JS Fetch (Numerous Examples)
  (1 votes) by Jakub Szep (updated 1 week ago)
Simple C# WinForm application for realtime playing, snapshoting and recording RTSP stream from any IP camera
  (1 votes) by Michael Sydney Balloni (updated 6 days ago)
This article documents foundational changes to mscript that position it to take on PowerShell and Python in bang for the buck for tasks currently implemented using nasty batch files.

Web Development

  (2 votes) by Zijian (updated 1 week ago)
Blazor WebAssembly Standalone App talking to ASP.NET Core Web API with generated client API codes in C#

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (1 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 3 days ago)
Finds Roots of a Polynomial with complex coefficients using an "extended" Bisection method

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