Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 6, 2024

Web Developer Newsletter - How to download an image file as a Zip file using C# and J#

Web Developer Newsletter - How to download an image file as a Zip file using C# and J#

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Industry News

Mesop is a Python-based UI framework that allows you to rapidly build web apps like demos and internal apps
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This blog post will cover tips on how to write clean code in ASP.NET Core applications.
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A survey of 4,000 Django developers shows strong growth in use of HTMX, Tailwind CSS and GitHub Actions – and that a third of these devs also use Flask or FastAPI.
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TypeScript 5.5, now in a release candidate, also features inferred type predicates, regular expression syntax checking, and performance and size optimizations.
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Htmx is a tiny JavaScript library that lets you add Fetch functionality to HTML elements by using nothing more than HTML attributes.
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Eric Heemskerk
An exploration of the pain points that CSS gap solves.
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Ahmad Shadeed
A comprehensive guide covering nine types of lengths that CSS uses to size elements in terms of dimensions, space, time, and even sound.
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CSS Tricks

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Programming Languages

  (0 votes) by raddevus (updated yesterday)
Attempting to simplify calling .NET Core WebAPIs When Calling Via JS Fetch (Numerous Examples)

Tips and Tricks updated

Web Development

  (14 votes) by Souvik Das, MCP, ITIL (updated 3 days ago)
Code to help download an image file as a Zip file using C# and J#.

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