Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 4, 2024

💾 JS-Torch - The Daily Build

💾 JS-Torch - The Daily Build
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Headline article


  (0 votes) by Kent Sharkey (updated 1 hour ago)
JS-Torch is a Deep Learning JavaScript library built from scratch, to closely follow PyTorch's syntax.

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Artificial Intelligence

  (1 votes) by Chris Maunder (updated 11 hours ago)
This article will show you how to create a module for CodeProject.AI Server that wraps some code that takes a long time to complete
  (1 votes) by Matthew Dennis (updated 15 hours ago)
Create a ChatGPT-like AI module for CodeProject.AI Server that handles a long-running process.

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Database Development

  (14 votes) by GabrieleTronchin (updated 5 days ago)
A simple stored procedure to add at your database to keep it reactive

Desktop Programming

  (44 votes) by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA (updated 5 days ago)
This article is about the IntelliFile application which is a free alternative Windows version to Total Commander and uses many components that have been published on CodeProject.

Programming Languages

  (8 votes) by Yochai Timmer (updated 1 weeks ago)
A way to avoid JNI's reflection oriented programming. Wrapping Java with C++
  (10 votes) by Akram El Assas (updated 2 weeks ago)
TDD in C# through a simple example
  (20 votes) by Uwe_Sieber (updated 2 weeks ago)
Shows how to use IOCTL_USB_HUB_CYCLE_PORT to restart a USB port under Windows
  (11 votes) by Federico Di Marco (updated 2 weeks ago)
An improved JSON configuration provider that allows partial or full encryption of values in appsettings.json

Web Development

  (26 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 2 weeks ago)
Converts MathML coded string to/from plain text string
  (34 votes) by Akram El Assas (updated 2 weeks ago)
Microservices sample architecture using ASP.NET Core 8, Ocelot, MongoDB and JWT

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