Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 4, 2024

🤖📰 AI is reducing worker numbers, according to survey conducted by hiring firm Adecco - The Daily Insider

🤖📰 AI is reducing worker numbers, according to survey conducted by hiring firm Adecco - The Daily Insider
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Industry News
Possibly the most shocking news since the last time I posted about a Windows Update gone bad
Source: CIO News
Pounded in the search by AI
Source: The Verge
As opposed to their other data collection services
Source: Proton
But only for about 90s in the path of totality
Source: Infoworld
Developer News
"Unless of course you can tell me that it's safe."
Source: xr0
Old man available, present clouds. It's time for some shouting.
Source: bitheap
One of these things is not like the other...
Source: Dr George Stagg
Next time, just leave the chocolate easter eggs
Source: The Register
Science and Technology
"Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Source: Phillip Tennen
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
It's almost like it's a new programming language!
Source: CodeProject
Never fast enough
Source: CodeProject

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