Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 4, 2024

💾 Google releases two new free resources to help you optimize your AI prompts - The Daily Build

💾 Google releases two new free resources to help you optimize your AI prompts - The Daily Build
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Headline article

Google releases two new free resources to help you optimize your AI prompts

  (0 votes) by Kent Sharkey (updated 1 hour ago)
To get the most out of the many readily available AI chatbots, you have to master the art of AI prompting.

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Artificial Intelligence

  (4 votes) by Michael Chourdakis (updated 1 weeks ago)
An introduction to machine learning with working C++ code that trains a linear regression model.

Programming Languages

  (4 votes) by honey the codewitch (updated 2 weeks ago)
Implementing a simple JSON parser with Visual FA
  (2 votes) by honey the codewitch (updated 4 days ago)
Scraping the web is easy with Visual FA. Here's an example of how.
  (1 votes) by Jeremy Falcon (updated 6 days ago)
Just a simple routine and helper routine to generate unique IDs suitable for disconnected systems.

Visual Studio

  (4 votes) by PJ Arends (updated 2 weeks ago)
How to use a .props file for your custom user settings across all your projects

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Artificial Intelligence

  (65 votes) by Hatem Mostafa (updated 2 days ago)
Artificial Neural Network C++ class with two use cases: Counter and Handwritten Digits recognition


  (48 votes) by Yevgeniy Shunevych (updated 2 days ago)
An introduction to Atata C#/.NET web UI test automation full-featured framework based on Selenium WebDriver

Programming Languages

  (9 votes) by Mishael Ogo (updated 2 weeks ago)
A look at a simple SQL builder for Dapper


  (6 votes) by Zijian (updated 2 weeks ago)
Reusable codes for JWT security in business applications

Web Development

  (27 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 2 weeks ago)
Converts MathML coded string to/from plain text string

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