Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 10, 2021

Web Developer Newsletter - PHP Micro-Framework HLEB

Web Developer Newsletter - PHP Micro-Framework HLEB

Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

Industry News

Elk is a tiny embeddable JavaScript engine that implements a small but usable subset of ES6. It is designed for microcontroller development.
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Cesanta Software
We have slowly been given some controls over form control display, as evidenced by accent-color!
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David Walsh
In this article, we'll highlight how modern image formats (AVIF or WebP) can improve compression by up to 50% and deliver better quality per-byte while still looking visually appealing. We'll compare what's possible at high-quality, low-quality and file-size targets.
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Smashing magazine
Some environments block the download and execution of DLLs from the network to prevent the potential spread of malware, which can also block downloading Blazor WebAssembly apps. To enable Blazor WebAssembly in these environments, we introduced in .NET 6 new extensibility points that allows developers to customize the published files and packaging of Blazor WebAssembly apps.
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ASP.NET blog
How to use SvelteKit to wire together a full-stack application that takes advantage of server-side rendering and the ease of Svelte.
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Let's talk about a framework for building support documentation as a key part of your design system creation.
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A recent examination of linkrot and content drift by Harvard Law School found that as time progresses, web-based content is becoming more and more lost.
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HyperFormula is an open source, spreadsheet-like calculation engine ?
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Hands on table

Articles updated

General Programming

  (2 votes) by tugrulGtx (updated 5 days ago)
CLOCK caching (LRU approximation) with O(1) cache hit, up to N asynchronous O(1) cache misses

Programming Languages

  (14 votes) by Foma Tuturov (updated yesterday)
This article gives an overview of installation, customization, routing, group of routes, controllers, modules, templates, page builder, debug panel and console of a micro-framework HLEB.

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