Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 10, 2021

Daily News - Microsoft tells Windows 10 users to prepare for the November 21H2 update

Daily News - Microsoft tells Windows 10 users to prepare for the November 21H2 update
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Industry News
Now taking bids on what this fix will break
Source: Engadget
You thought you'd be safe because all the cool kids are moving to Windows 11?
Source: ZDNet
Developer News
"Your head will collapse if there's nothing in it"
Source: Smashing magazine
Research them, because that headhunter isn't researching you
Source: Fast Company
"Everybody's talking at me. I don't hear a word they're saying."
Source: DevOps
Then they came for the debugger and I did nothing as the build was broken and I had to figure out what the AI did to it
Source: ZDNet
Science and Technology
A fool and their biometrics are soon parted
Source: Techcrunch
Because the best way to run your life is following the advice of people on social media
Source: The Verge
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Imagine how they feel about their testers' time (oh, wait. That's you)
Source: CodeProject
The reviews must flow
Source: CodeProject

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