20 articles yesterday. Welcome to today's Daily Build from CodeProject. Advertisements | An Introduction to the 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Discover the first ever system on Chip (SoC) for a PC, enhanced battery life, Intel® Iris™ graphics, & more. Microsoft Windows* 8 developers will also learn about capabilities available to both Desktop & the Modern UI environments. Read more here. | | No Graphic Designer? No Problem! Iron Speed Designer is the fastest way to deliver feature-rich applications for .NET, SharePoint and software-as-a-service cloud computing environments. Amaze users with visually stunning applications that look like they took months to build. Download a Trial! | | Learn the Basics of XML Marie Taylor takes you through the basics of XML, including XML Syntax, Elements & Attributes, and the XML Tree Structure. | Most popular new articles Thu 20 Feb 2014  | This how-to guide leverages Infochimps' repeated success standing up Big Data platforms in enterprises and complex technical environments through 4 key steps. This part how-to/part working doc will walk you through the process, and empower your organization to achieve your defined business objectives with your Big Data project.
Download Now | Latest Additions 20 articles overall. 12 new, 8 updated. New articles added - Close a Work Item only if Child Work items are closed - javidbece
Team Foundation Server is an ALM tool. It can be extended as per the business requirement. Controls can be created so as to populate them on the work item form. We can add additional business functionality by creating the controls. The API provided by TFS makes this possible.
Articles updated - GetOrCreateValueDictionary - Paulo Zemek
A dictionary implementation optimized for caches and the GetOrCreateValue method, supporting real parallelism while reading and avoiding some problems encountered in the ConcurrentDictionary
New Tips and Tricks added New Technical Blogs added - Kinect for Windows version 2: Color, depth and infrared streams - Vangos Pterneas
NOTE: This is preliminary software and/or hardware and APIs are preliminary and subject to change. A month ago, I was happy to receive a brand-new Kinect for Windows version 2 Developer Preview sensor. You can read my previous blog post about the capabilities of the new device. Kinect v2 now include
- Confessions of a bug addict - Duncan Edwards Jones
Signposts on a journey to developer enlightenmentI'd like to start with a "Getting to know the audience" type of a question – What does it feel like to write a bug?The words I usually expect to hear in answer to this question range from "Embarrassing", "Sad", "Annoying" through to extremes such
Technical Blogs updated © 2014 CodeProject. All rights reserved. Please do not reply directly to this email. It was sent from an unattended mailbox. For correspondence please use webmaster@codeproject.com |
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