Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 7, 2024

Web Developer Newsletter - New JavaScript Set methods

Web Developer Newsletter - New JavaScript Set methods

Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

Industry News

Microsoft's fifth preview of .NET 9 nods at AI development while also introducing new templates for some of the more popular project types, including Blazor Hybrid and .NET MAUI.
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Visual Studio magazine
Have you heard of the Screen Orientation API? What about the Device Orientation API, Vibration API, or the Contact Picker API?
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Smashing magazine
Malicious updates available from create attacker-controlled admin account.
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Ars Technica
Speaking of "popping" in, I've been playing with the Popover API a bit.
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CSS Tricks
Big changes are happening in JavaScript code delivery, and developers are taking notice.
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Red Monk
Today we learn how CSS support in Blazor works and how CSS isolation solves one of the most frequent web development problems.
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This article is a good read for people who are new to Set in JavaScript and are looking to find out how to use these new JavaScript methods.
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Google Sheets is one of the first products at Google to use WasmGC on Chrome.
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Caesar is a Go web framework, designed for productivity. It takes inspiration from traditional web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Django, Phoenix, AdonisJS, etc.
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Web Development

  (0 votes) by DiponRoy (updated 2 days ago)
Select data as DataSet object for a database using Entity Framework and map results them to entity lists

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