Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 7, 2024

💾 MathML to/from Plain Text Converter - The Daily Build

💾 MathML to/from Plain Text Converter - The Daily Build

Headline article

MathML to/from Plain Text Converter

  (31 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 12 hours ago)
Converts MathML coded string to/from plain text string

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (1 votes) by Daniel Ramnath (updated 19 hours ago)
C++ (CygWin GCC) and OpenSSL code to Attack upon AES-CTR encryption

Web Development

  (1 votes) by Mark Pelf (updated 21 hours ago)
A practical guide to using jQuery component in Asp.Net 8 MVC application.

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (1 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 20 hours ago)
Generalized continued fractions are transformed into simple continued fractions (SCF) and basic operations (-, +, *, /) can be done.

Programming Languages

  (2 votes) by Member 4206974 (updated 23 hours ago)
A PowerShell Form Generator.
  (8 votes) by Nicolas DESCARTES (updated 1 week ago)
How to embrace functional programming in C#
  (40 votes) by Espen Harlinn (updated 1 week ago)
Harlinn.Windows is a collection of libraries that I have put together that serves as a big part of the runtime we use at work.
  (6 votes) by Łukasz Bownik (updated 6 days ago)
Smallscript is a little scripting language inspired by Smalltalk syntax.

Web Development

  (18 votes) by Akram El Assas (updated 6 days ago)
Rental Property Management Platform with a Mobile App

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