Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 5, 2024

🤖📰 Visual Studio 2022 17.10 and GitHub Copilot: Your coding partner for faster and smarter development - The Daily Insider

🤖📰 Visual Studio 2022 17.10 and GitHub Copilot: Your coding partner for faster and smarter development - The Daily Insider
Click here Deploy Now: Code More, Worry Less.
Effortlessly enhance your development workflow with Deploy Now — an advanced automation tool meticulously designed for streamlined build and deployment processes. Focus more on coding and less on deployment complexities. Learn More.
Click here KitOps: Enhance AI/ML Workflow
Seamlessly integrate Docker build | Docker run. Package all AI components into a unified ModelKit. Save time, boost efficiency and optimize your workflow. Install Kit.
Industry News
So now Jerry from HR can send a pull request to update the spreadsheet
Source: The Verge
So your Copilot can get a copilot
Source: Techcrunch
Developer News
Instead of having AI write your code, write no code to run your AI
Source: Infoworld
AI all the things: "Lightweight" code editor edition
Source: Microsoft developer community
You can't spell .NET without 'A' and 'I'
Source: .NET blog
You will be copiloted. Resistance is futile.
Source: Visual Studio
Science and Technology
So it replaces all the people signed up to Instagram?
Source: The Verge
I'm sure a (not so) little cheque will make the pain go away
Source: NPR
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Sort the lines by length and remove duplicates
Source: CodeProject
Just let the hackers find the security issues. It's much more efficient that way. (/sarcasm)
Source: CodeProject

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