Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 5, 2024

🤖📰 Microsoft Loop transforms the way developer teams work - The Daily Insider

🤖📰 Microsoft Loop transforms the way developer teams work - The Daily Insider
Click here Simplify AI/ML Workflow with KitOps
KitOps seamlessly integrates Docker build | Docker run, consolidating AI components into a unified ModelKit. Upgrade your process now. Install Kit.
Click here Are you in a startup? This is for you.
Get your Kafka project moving with up to a year's worth of free credits & technical support for startups. Apply now.
Industry News
When the new features are just old broken features coming back
Source: Neowin
Beware of geeks bearing gift tips
Source: Bleeping Computer
Step 1: don't tell anyone about features. Step 2: cancel feature. Step 3: Profit?
Source: The Verge
Developer News
Because it's...well, you know
Source: WSL
It's like the other coding assistants, but this one adds more accents and silent letters
Source: Neowin
In case you want to get loopy
Source: Microsoft 365 platform
Because Visual Studio is never big enough
Source: Visual Studio
Science and Technology
And every phone on this planet rings in unison
Source: Futurism
A chicken pecking at a screen can beat some financial analysts
Source: Quartz
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Whether 'tis nobler in the artificial mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous hyping...
Source: CodeProject
Back of the line is that way...
Source: CodeProject

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