Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 5, 2021

Weekly Newsletter (10 May 2021)

Weekly Newsletter (10 May 2021)
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Weekly Poll Results

What are your favourite Star Wars spinoff series?

Survey period: 3 May 2021 to 10 May 2021

May the 4th be with you

The Mandalorian22429.91
The Clone Wars689.08
Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures172.27
I've never heard of these.8210.95
None of them.22630.17
One of the other ones you didn't mention here283.74
You mean there's more Star Wars I need to avoid? Shoot me now.15120.16
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

This week's survey: What's you preferred form of code editor and compiler?

Latest Additions

New articles added

Artificial Intelligence

  (2 votes) by Sergio Virahonda (updated 3 days ago)
In this article, we'll deep-dive into the Continuous Training code.
  (2 votes) by Sergio Virahonda (updated 4 days ago)
In this article, we'll implement automatic training.
  (1 votes) by Sergio Virahonda (updated 6 days ago)
In this article series, we'll demonstrate how to take use a CI/CD pipeline - a tool usually used by developers and DevOps teams - and demonstrate how to use it to create a complete training, test, and deployment pipeline for AI that meets the requirements of level 2 in the Google MLOps Maturity
  (0 votes) by Sergio Virahonda (updated 2 days ago)
In this article, we develop a model unit testing container.
  (0 votes) by Sergio Virahonda (updated 5 days ago)
In this article, we set up a cloud environment for this project.
  (2 votes) by Raphael Mun (updated 6 days ago)
In this article we'll explore some Azure Cognitive Services that bring the power of AI to any app through the cloud.


  (1 votes) by Joel Ivory Johnson (updated 5 days ago)
The previous series finished up with the reader building and deploying a very simple containerized Java application to a Kubernetes cluster on AKS. This article will build on that knowledge by building up an application that's a bit more complex and realistic.

Database Development

  (2 votes) by Ralf Meier, Shah Samiur Rashid (updated 23 hours ago)
Codeless Combobox for VB.NET/C# platform with MySQL/SQL Server database applications

Desktop Programming

  (1 votes) by Peter Huber SG (updated 2 days ago)
WPF LinearGradientBrush parameters are confusing and need a proper explanation

Hosted Services

  (1 votes) by Joel Ivory Johnson (updated 4 days ago)
In this article we learn about monitoring and scaling containerized apps.
  (0 votes) by Joel Ivory Johnson (updated 3 days ago)
In this next part of this series, we look at how your application knows it is in use. We also look at how Azure provides support through its services and free code libraries for authenticating your user.
  (0 votes) by Joel Ivory Johnson (updated 2 days ago)
In the next part of this series, we look at Azure Cognitive Services and how we can use existing cloud-native services.

Internet of Things

  (2 votes) by honey the codewitch (updated 5 days ago)
Use an ILI9341 display efficiently from an ESP32 without the Arduino framework. Load JPEGs.
  (1 votes) by honey the codewitch (updated 3 days ago)
Explore the inner workings of a highly capable IoT display driver for the ESP32

Programming Languages

  (1 votes) by Jon McKee (updated 4 days ago)
Non-structural type constraints and type system tricks.
  (1 votes) by Jeremy C. Ong (updated 5 days ago)
In this article we look at transitioning from x86 to Arm or vice versa for non-portable x86 SSE code

Web Development

  (0 votes) by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira (updated 6 days ago)
This article shows web developers how to create a custom Shopify app and then perform two tasks for a superior user experience (UX).

Articles updated

Artificial Intelligence

  (7 votes) by KristianEkman (updated 3 days ago)
How to build an AI which plays Backgammon

Desktop Programming

  (147 votes) by David MacDermot (updated 2 hours ago)
This article describes the creation of a non-MFC custom PropertyGrid control.

General Programming

  (11 votes) by Greg Utas (updated 5 days ago)
Automating help, validating user input, running scripts...
  (6 votes) by Ryan S White (updated yesterday)
A simple drop-in function that provides T4 like template based text generation.

Programming Languages

  (71 votes) by Shao Voon Wong (updated 3 days ago)
Read/write CSV in few lines of code!
  (20 votes) by Greg Utas (updated 5 days ago)
Automating Scott Meyers' recommendations, cleaning up #include directives, and analyzing code dependencies
  (24 votes) by Vincent Radio (updated yesterday)
VRCalc++ OOSL Engine is embeddable in any Delphi Application using Dynamic Packages
  (12 votes) by Shao Voon Wong (updated 3 days ago)
C++14: CSV Stream based on C File API to remove code bloat from STL File Streams
  (4 votes) by ipavlu (updated 3 days ago)
The goal of the Unified Concurrency is to unify access to different synchronization primitives in object-oriented fashion with one pattern and two interfaces for general and async/await methods.

Web Development

  (12 votes) by NewPast (updated 2 days ago)
PHP contact-us script runs without modification. It detects the domain and emails all the contact-us form-data

New Tips and Tricks added


  (0 votes) by Marcell Lipp (updated 2 days ago)
Git used for debugging

Programming Languages

  (2 votes) by Bohdan Stupak (updated yesterday)
Explanation of how DateTime.TryParse behaves with ISO-8601 format
  (2 votes) by kiemtheng (updated 5 days ago)
How to convert .ts files to .mp4
  (0 votes) by Daniel Ramnath (updated 8 hours ago)
  (0 votes) by VBA55 (updated 2 days ago)
Helping to add VBA project build in Access to SVN

Web Development

  (4 votes) by Shaun C Curtis (updated 4 days ago)
For and ForEach Iteration in Blazor Components
  (0 votes) by Gábor Angyal (updated 4 days ago)
A walkthrough of statically typing Vuex with TypeScript

Tips and Tricks updated


  (0 votes) by VBA55 (updated 3 days ago)
Add Excel/Access Project to Git- Part 1 of 2

New Technical Blogs added

Hosted Services

  (0 votes) by (updated 22 hours ago)
How to build and deploy Angular application using GitHub and Azure

Mobile Apps

  (0 votes) by Jason Sultana (updated 2 days ago)

Programming Languages

  (1 votes) by Jason Sultana (updated 2 days ago)
  (0 votes) by Carlos Conceição (updated 4 days ago)
Current features of NSimpleOlap library
  (0 votes) by Gaston Verelst (updated 6 days ago)
More readable Domain Specific Language in F#

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