Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 5, 2021

The Daily Build - VRCalc++ Object Oriented Scripting Language :: Vincent Radio {Adrix.NT}

The Daily Build - VRCalc++ Object Oriented Scripting Language :: Vincent Radio {Adrix.NT}
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Headline article

VRCalc++ Object Oriented Scripting Language :: Vincent Radio {Adrix.NT}

  (25 votes) by Vincent Radio (updated 15 hours ago)
VRCalc++ OOSL Engine is embeddable in any Delphi Application using Dynamic Packages

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Internet of Things

  (10 votes) by honey the codewitch (updated 18 hours ago)
GFX is a fast and full featured replacement for standard IoT drawing libraries that is optimized to reduce bus I/O

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