The Daily Build - CompactExifLib: Access to EXIF tags in JPEG files 10 new and 5 updated articles today
Headline article | (13 votes) by Hans-Peter Kalb (updated yesterday) C# library for reading and writing EXIF tags in JPEG image files | New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips | (1 votes) by Ritesh Ramesh (updated 2 days ago) How ASP.NET Core helps to enforce DI principle out the box | | (0 votes) by Ritesh Ramesh (updated 2 days ago) Setting Jenkins up for hooking Nunit tests | | (0 votes) by Eman Alyami (updated yesterday) .NET Core Using Entity Framework | | (0 votes) by Jeremy Likness (updated 2 days ago) How to use EF Core and Cosmos DB with Blazor WebAssembly | | (1 votes) by Ritesh Ramesh (updated 2 days ago) Using the Command pattern to implement a digital game | | (0 votes) by Rion Williams (updated 2 days ago) Some recommended readings about streaming systems | | (0 votes) by oproot (updated yesterday) Kicking off and monitoring long-running Azure logic app workflows with Powershell | | (2 votes) by Ritesh Ramesh (updated 2 days ago) Walkthrough on how to setup a Jenkins project to build a .NET Core application on a Windows 10 machine. | | (1 votes) by Ritesh Ramesh (updated 2 days ago) Using the adapter pattern while building a digital simulator | | (0 votes) by Kevin Mack (updated 2 days ago) So I did want to write about something that I discovered recently when investigating a question. The idea being Key rotation, and how TerraForm state is impacted. So the question being this, if you have a key vault and you ask any security expert. | Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips | (26 votes) by Akshay Srinivasan2 (updated yesterday) This article describes a technique to quickly retrieve and present hierarchical information from a flat relational database table with only one table scan. | | (1 votes) by Greg Utas (updated yesterday) No breakpoints or drooling all over the console! | | (4 votes) by Steffen Ploetz (updated 2 days ago) Check whether ReactOS is able to run OpenGL, determine a convincing IDE and get started with the OpenGL on ReactOS. | | (35 votes) by Jeremy Likness (updated 2 days ago) Wisej is a powerful platform that abstracts away the nuances of client/server interactions while embracing all the web has to offer, including third-party HTML5-based solutions, it is the perfect tool for building enterprise web applications. | | (19 votes) by Greg Utas (updated 2 days ago) Cleaving the Gordian knot of thread safety | |
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