The Daily Build - CaptureManager SDK 24 new and 9 updated articles today
We're looking for Beta testers We're looking for another dozen or so volunteers to help test our new content curation system. I'm sure we could come up with a fancy name for it, but for now we'll leave it at that. Testing is painless and free. All we need is your patience and suggestions. If you have ever been frustrated with not being able to keep up with the interesting stuff you love then email me. Headline article | (100 votes) by Evgeny Pereguda (updated 6 hours ago) Simple SDK for capturing, recording and streaming video and audio from web-cams on Windows OS by Windows Media Foundation. | New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips ![]( | (5 votes) by Alexander Sharykin (updated 11 hours ago) WPF HexGrid Panel | ![]( | (0 votes) by Roman Nazarenko (updated yesterday) Assembler time | ![]( | (3 votes) by hexgear (updated 2 days ago) In this article, I will share how to parse JSON using JSON-Java in Android, however the snippet is not limited to Android only. | ![]( | (9 votes) by Mark J. Caplin (updated 6 hours ago) | ![]( | (1 votes) by Marc Clifton (updated 15 hours ago) Discovering some of the nuances of IIS and looking under the hood at how Katana/Owin does its initialization. | ![]( | (2 votes) by Kewin Rausch (updated 3 days ago) How to patch the Linux kernel with a custom mechanism and without having to reboot the system. | ![]( | (4 votes) by Leif Simon Goodwin (updated 2 days ago) | ![]( | (1 votes) by MukeshKumarMVP (updated 17 hours ago) This tip will demonstrate the different ways to share data in Angular JS using Value and Constant. | ![]( | (1 votes) by Thiruppathi R (updated 17 hours ago) Learn AWS With MS-SQL(DB) Using SQL Client | ![]( | (0 votes) by Melkin (updated 6 hours ago) A simple overview of my opensource library allowing developers to add a dynamic interface to get values from the properties of object instances in other processes | ![]( | (2 votes) by Bohdan Stupak (updated 17 hours ago) This simple salesforce-like progressbar control will guide you through some useful CSS techniques | ![]( | (0 votes) by asutreja (updated 6 hours ago) Dragging List items within DevExpress MVC FormLayout control to re-arrange/order by end users | ![]( | (0 votes) by Sibeesh Passion (updated 13 hours ago) How to create a Microsoft Azure Cognitive Service FaceAPI application in half an hour | ![]( | (1 votes) by Roman Nazarenko (updated yesterday) A deep introduction into Spring Context's refresh process internals from every-day use perspective | ![]( | (1 votes) by Roman Nazarenko (updated 17 hours ago) An overview of how well does Scala integrate into modern Java EE environment | ![]( | (4 votes) by Member 270861 (updated yesterday) Simple and very basic popup menu easy to implement in any page | ![]( | (2 votes) by _m0n (updated yesterday) Connect to PC with no public IP using Node.js app for reverse port forwarding / tunneling. | ![]( | (0 votes) by Prashant M Bansal (updated yesterday) In this article we are going to deal with Search Scenarios using enhanced REST API in SharePoint 2013. | ![]( | (0 votes) by Prashant M Bansal (updated yesterday) In this article we will discuss the scenarios where we need to interact with LOB Data Sources containing Lakhs of records. | ![]( | (0 votes) by Prashant M Bansal (updated 17 hours ago) In this article we will see how to develop custom Search Refiners for SharePoint. | ![]( | (0 votes) by Prashant M Bansal (updated 11 hours ago) In this article we will see how to develop custom Search Verticals for SharePoint Search System. | ![]( | (0 votes) by Roman Nazarenko (updated yesterday) CDI magic for beginners | ![]( | (0 votes) by Kamran Bilgrami (updated 19 hours ago) Visual Studio 2017 - Reattach to process | ![]( | (1 votes) by Ismael M. (updated yesterday) A generic DLL that call any .Net DLL in VB6. | Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips ![]( | (5 votes) by Ioannis Tsepas (updated 13 hours ago) A clarification of property-changed interface and where/when to be implemented. | ![]( | (23 votes) by Peter Occil (updated yesterday) Most apps that use random numbers care about either unpredictability or speed/high quality. | ![]( | (13 votes) by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov (updated 7 hours ago) New Visual Studio Code extension "Extensible Markdown Converter" augments built-in Markdown extension to form all in one toolchain offering convenient editor, rendered document viewer, spell checker and converter to HTML, per CodeProject article submission requirements | ![]( | (7 votes) by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov (updated 2 days ago) An ugly look of a TOC based on ul elements is the only problem preventing full automation of article writing; still, it's easy to fix | ![]( | (1 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated 19 hours ago) Generating TypeScript Code with CatFactory | ![]( | (68 votes) by Yaseer Mumtaz (updated 3 days ago) This article will help the beginners to step-up Angular2 in ASP.NET MVC, create the RESTful APIs in ASP.NET MVC Web API and front end in Angular2. | ![]( | (9 votes) by Shenwei Liu (updated 5 hours ago) Presenting an advanced modal dialog service re-written in Angular 2 from the Angular 1.x version plus demonstrating the dialog uses and issue resolutions in details. | ![]( | (20 votes) by Alejandro Xalabarder (updated 7 hours ago) http for everybody | ![]( | (31 votes) by Alex the Green Apple (updated yesterday) C library defining string type and string manipulation functions | |
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