Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 7, 2017

Daily News - The language of programming

Daily News - The language of programming
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Industry News
"But, you see, I never studied law!"
Source: BBC
For those that like their edge bleeding
Source: Ars Technica
Siri has trouble understanding me asking for directions, I think civilization will be OK
Source: Inverse
Developer News
(maybe) Coming (not very) soon to a compiler near you
Source: CodePlay
Yeah, don't bother with that security stuff
Source: SD Times
"Make a new plan, Stan"
Source: enterprise.nxt
"An individual's thoughts and actions are determined by the language or languages that individual speaks."
Source: Artem Chistyakov
Science and Technology
OK, this is how you stop AI from taking over the world - get them addicted to cats (next up: cat videos)
Source: Motherboard
So, it will open the pod bay doors?
Source: Science Daily
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
"And a new day will dawn for those who stand long" (I dunno, that's what popped into my head)
Source: CodeProject

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