Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 4, 2015

Web Developer Newsletter - RaptorDB - the Document Store

Web Developer Newsletter - RaptorDB - the Document Store
Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.
Click here Need to create Excel Charts?
Use SpreadsheetGear to enable users to visualize data with comprehensive Excel-compatible charting, which makes creating, modifying, rendering and interacting with complex charts easier than ever before. Try it now!
Click here Fix bugs faster!
Raygun detects and diagnoses your software's errors in real-time, allowing your team to vastly increase software quality. A few lines of code is all it takes. Learn more.
Common misconceptions about inheritance in JavaScript
Misconception #0: that there is inheritance in JavaScript. OK, maybe prototype inheritance technically counts. (more: Medium)
Immutability in JavaScript
I'm starting to see a theme today. In this article, I will show what exactly immutability is all about, how to use this concept in JavaScript, and why it's useful. (more: Sitepoint)
Making It Better: ASP.NET with Visual Basic 14
For those who prefer their code brace free. In the next evolution of the language, Visual Basic 14, there are a number of great features that are being added and we want to make sure that you know we are fully supporting them with ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2015. (more: .NET Web Development)
Click here Create Permissions to Secure your Web Applications
Visual Guard allows you to control access to features and data in your applications. Manage Authentication, Authorizations and Audit in a single solution. Try Visual Guard
Google Proposes to Enhance JSON with Jsonnet
Google has open sourced Jsonnet, a configuration language that supersedes JSON and adds new features without breaking backwards compatibility (more: InfoQ)
Standardization and the Open Web
We're done arguing over the importance of web standards. Accessibility, stability, quality control, and ease-of-use all helped to settle the debate long ago. (more: A List Apart)
Why Web Components?
Because one of its feet is yellow? I'm awful at these koans. (more: WebComponents)
Has the Native vs. HTML5 mobile debate changed?
No? Oh, let's see what the author says: "You know what they say, if you want to start a flame war have an opinion on HTML5 vs Native mobile app development." (more: IT World)
How Facebook's React Native Will Change Mobile Apps
React Native promises to let developers write JavaScript while still delivering a real native user interface. (more: Techcrunch)
RAD.JS 2.0
Javascript framework for Rapid Application Development. (more: Github)

New articles added


  (4 votes) by Rohan Sampat (updated yesterday)
CRUD in ASP.MVC 4 with scripting lang as Angular and Database as MS SQL 2008R2

Design and Architecture

  (8 votes) by lakhdarr (updated 5 days ago)
Working with different data stores (SQL, NoSQL ..) in high performance enterprise application using DDD and Repository unit of work pattern
  (2 votes) by Igor Alekseev (updated 3 days ago)
Different programming languages support variance (covariance/contravariance) in different ways. The goal of this article is to compare all supported types of variance in C#, Java and Scala in one place, and to reason about why some architectural decisions have been made by language designers.


  (5 votes) by Jitendra_Jain04 (updated 4 days ago)
Responsive web design is an approach to web design which focuses on rich user experience and provides optimal usability to users for viewing websites.

Product Showcase

  (0 votes) by Acision (updated 4 days ago)
In the following tutorial, find out how to create your first video chat application using the forge by Acision SDK in less than 10 minutes.
  (0 votes) by David Rousset (updated 4 days ago)
Today, I'd like to share with you the basics of collisions, physics & bounding boxes by playing with the WebGL babylon.js engine and a physics engine companion named oimo.js.
  (0 votes) by David Catuhe (updated 16 hours ago)
I'd like to share with you a series of articles about ECMAScript 6, sharing my passion for it and explaining how it can work for you.

Articles updated

Applications & Tools

  (25 votes) by syed shanu (updated 4 days ago)
In this article we will see in detail how to create an online Mind Reader quiz game using AngularJS and WCF Rest Service


  (109 votes) by Shivprasad koirala, Marla Sukesh (updated 4 days ago)
In this article we learn MVC 5 step by step in 7 days – Day 1.
  (28 votes) by Marla Sukesh (updated 4 days ago)
In this article we learn MVC 5 step by step in 7 days – Day 2.
  (18 votes) by Zijian (updated 5 days ago)
Real world WCF project structure, Authentication and Authorization
  (15 votes) by Wonde Tadesse (updated yesterday)
An article that explain hows to expose SignalR feature through an ASP.NET Web API, which helps applications that can use REST service and to broadcast a real-time message to their clients.


  (10 votes) by Bharath K A (updated 44 minutes ago)
Build your own cloud spreadsheet (like Microsoft Excel, google sheets) that exposes shreadsheet workbook via web browser. Users can create excel like spreadsheets using web browser save it, share it, put formulas to compute data in the sheet etc.

Client side scripting

  (10 votes) by Dan Letecky (updated yesterday)
Day/week AngularJS event calendar/scheduler with drag and drop support. PHP and ASP.NET MVC backends.

Custom Controls

  (37 votes) by Bharath K A (updated 3 hours ago)
This is a HTML5 WebSocket service that streams live, real-time data to browser grid control. This service is capable of automatically computing math expressions on the fly (dynamically at runtime)


  (12 votes) by Bill SerGio Jr. (updated 5 days ago)
Responsive Mobile Super Slick Carousel Using AngularJS Directive & Dynamic Templates. Can Be Used With or Without A Shopping Cart.


  (168 votes) by Mehdi Gholam (updated 15 hours ago)
NoSql, JSON based, Document store database with compiled .net map functions and automatic hybrid bitmap indexing and LINQ query filters (now with standalone Server mode, Backup and Active Restore, Transactions, Server side queries, MonoDroid support, HQ-Branch Replication, working in Linux)

New Tips and Tricks added


  (5 votes) by RajKGoel (updated 4 days ago)
This article is targeted towards learning the basics of Angular JS, using it with ASP.Net MVC and Web API
  (3 votes) by Muhammad Hassan Tariq (updated 22 hours ago)
Uplaod files to SFTP using ASP.NET Web API and AngularJS upload plugin by nervgh with Bootstrap 3.0
  (3 votes) by Marjan Nikolovski (updated 11 hours ago)
How to optimize your webapp like a PRO - ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate


  (2 votes) by Ly Nguyen - LN (updated 3 days ago)
How to export html to PDF with Bookmart and TOC using iTextSharp-LGPL.4.1.6


  (6 votes) by B. Clay Shannon (updated 5 days ago)
Simple example for kids and novices of using HTML and CSS to create a colorful "midnight rainbow" effect
  (1 votes) by saleem faeq (updated yesterday)
Animation of a cube using CSS only without any JavaScript or JQuery

Internet / Network

  (2 votes) by CrawlScript (updated 5 days ago)
WebCollector is an open source web crawler framework based on Java. It provides some simple interfaces for crawling the Web, you can setup a multi-threaded web crawler in less than 5 minutes.

Mobile Development

  (2 votes) by Mani Murthy (updated 5 days ago)
Provides a brief overview for developing Android application for developers who are from the ASP.NET background. This is the second part.

Tips and Tricks updated


  (13 votes) by DrABELL (updated 2 days ago)
Pure CSS3 styling solution applicable to HTML5 SELECT element and ASP.NET DropDownList control

New Technical Blogs added

Grid & Data Controls

  (3 votes) by Sangeet Agarwal (updated yesterday)
AngularJS + ASP.NET Web API: Building a Simple Grid in AngularJS with Server-side Paging, sorting, searching (Part 8)

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