20 articles yesterday. Welcome to today's Daily Build from CodeProject. Top Articles of January The newsletter schedule means we have a slightly late announcement for the top monthly articles, but we got there in the end. We've introduced an "Everything else" category as well as runners-up to better reward those putting in the hard work.Congratulations to all that were nominated. Here are January's winners: Advertisements Most popular new articles 28 Feb 2014 - 2 Mar 2014  | Great companies build products that customers love. While this means they build worthwhile and useful features, it also means they don't build things that aren't valuable. The development of unused features is the single biggest waste of time and resources in software development, and companies that build the "wrong things" are easily disrupted. In this guide, five business leaders offer different perspectives on Agile product development. Use it to help you understand how a unifying vision and customer-centric mindset avoids wasted time,...
Download Now | Latest Additions 20 articles overall. 8 new, 12 updated. New articles added - Create a First Web API Service - Nadege Rouelle
This article will describe how to create a simple Web API service in order to be able to use it later with AngularJS or ASP.NET MVC application for example.
- AddCollection and FragmentableQueue - Paulo Zemek
This article presents two collections optimized for for good memory consumption and for inserts at the end, being always O(1). The AddCollection can also create immutable views without creating copies of the data.
Articles updated - Working with NoSQL Databases - ASP.NET Community
This article explains how to work with NoSQL databases, why to use NoSQL, what NoSQL databases are present, .NET APIs for NoSQL and Further Reading
- ViewState - ASP.NET Community
ViewState is the mechanism that allows state values to be preserved across page postbacks.Because of the stateless nature of web pages, regular
- Upload an Image and an Audio file using C# - ASP.NET Community
In my case, I use a FileUpload Control(Id:->FileUpload1), an ImageButton(ImageButton1) or you can use the Image, a Button Control(Id:->Updatebttn)
New Tips and Tricks added Tips and Tricks updated - Math Parser .NET C# - kirnbas
This is light, fast and simple to understand mathematical parser designed in one class, which receives as input a mathematical expression (System.String) and returns the output value (System.Double)
- Code Injection - Rt Tiwari
This program will demonstrate the process of injecting code into already running processes. Here we have choosen to inject into Explorer
- Fixed Div At The Bottom Of The Page - ASP.NET Community
Hi everybody,I am going to write an example div fixed in the bottom. First let's write our divs to be fixed in bottom.---------- New Technical Blogs added - Visual Studio code snippets - n.podbielski
What I really like in Visual Studio as development environment is code snippets. Well actually probably other IDE have something very similar but I do not have much of a choice in that matter as C# developer :)Anyway this feature is really useful. For example while refactoring I very often use if su
- Should I be concerned about PDB files ? - Bibhu Dutta
I still can remember, the first time I encountered PDB files. “Should I be concerned about PDB files ?” and was quickly replied as “it’s just another file used in the debugging process”, by a colleague. Till yesterday, I had the … Continue reading →
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