Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 2, 2017

Weekly Newsletter (13 Feb 2017)

Weekly Newsletter (13 Feb 2017)
Welcome to this week's newsletter from CodeProject.
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Site News

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence articles

Yes, the possibility for jokes about artificial intelligence are many, especially when it's been a Bad Client Day. However, given the masses of data now at our disposal it's an incredibly important topic. The data and the Machine learning / Artificial Intelligence systems are now easily available to us humble devs. If only we knew what it means and how to use it.

If you've gone down that path - or live and breathe this stuff - then please share your knowledge, your mistakes and your code. It makes fascinating reading!

Chris Maunder

Weekly Poll Results

User Identity frameworks: What do you use?

Survey period: 6 Feb 2017 to 13 Feb 2017

It's often necessary for authentication and customisation, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Which do you use?

I use whatever built-in Identity framework is standard for the tools I use34837.66348 votes, 37.66%
I use third party frameworks for managing user identity768.2376 votes, 8.23%
I use OAuth or OpenID services (eg Google or Facebook login) for authentication15917.21159 votes, 17.21%
I/we build our own systems37640.69376 votes, 40.69%
I don't need user identity systems22023.81220 votes, 23.81%
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

This week's survey: On which operating systems are you developing code?

Latest Additions

New articles added

.NET Framework

  (8 votes) by Akhil Mittal (updated 4 days ago)
This article is focused on how a Visual Studio extension could be created.


  (2 votes) by Byte Machines (updated 5 days ago)
In this tutorial, we are going to call a service using GET Method and populate sample JSON data in Recycler view without using any external library.


  (8 votes) by Sayantan Dutta (updated 4 days ago)
Pre-compiled Razor view in ASP.NET MVC
  (2 votes) by PrashantRamteke (updated 2 days ago)
Execute stored procedure using Entity Framework Core in .NET Core Class library project
  (1 votes) by syed shanu (updated 1 hour ago)
In this article, we will see in detail about the ways we can customize our ASP.ENT MVC Application. Here, in this article, we will see three methods to customize our ASP.NET MVC Bootstrap Templates.


  (2 votes) by Jovan Popovic (updated 5 days ago)
This article describes how to get messages sent to Azure Even Hub and load them into Azure SQL Database using Azure Functions.

C / C++ Language

  (15 votes) by David Lafreniere (updated 5 days ago)
Create a worker thread with an event loop, message queue and a timer using the C++11 thread support library

Client side scripting

  (4 votes) by Anurag Gandhi, Aniket Agrawal (updated yesterday)
A set of selected questions and answers of angular 2 that helps you to clarify the concepts of angular 2.

Code Generation

  (16 votes) by Alexandre Bencz (updated 3 hours ago)
DotNetPELib is a library which abstracts managed information such as namespaces, classes, fields, methods, and instructions. The information can then be used to generate assembly language source files, or PE executables or DLLs.
  (8 votes) by matt warren (updated 5 days ago)
Here is a list of 68 things that the CLR does before executing a single line of your code


  (7 votes) by Anuja Pawar Indore (updated 6 days ago)
Multi-Tenancy means same instance shared amongst all customers.

Grid & Data Controls

  (2 votes) by hamdenvogel (updated 5 days ago)
Learn how to implement a real stream file based dataset descendant with blob support and much more.

Internet / Network

  (4 votes) by petrostherock (updated 4 days ago)
GoogPress is a fun little web thing that turns Google Docs into websites. Here's how a two-man team built it in a week.
  (3 votes) by Florimond (updated 5 days ago)
Explains how to use Emitter with a database to store the content of collaborative todo list.


  (0 votes) by Member 11278602 (updated 2 days ago)
Step by Step Guide to Creating a Custom Annotation


  (1 votes) by Cinchoo (updated 2 days ago)
Simple NACHA driver for .NET
  (0 votes) by Cinchoo (updated 4 days ago)
Simple FixedLength file writer for .NET


  (3 votes) by Avijnata (updated 4 days ago)
An introduction to data analytics, using R, by taking a quick look at the state of World Health.


  (2 votes) by KianTing (updated 5 days ago)
MuleSoft provides a good structure of documents for developers to learn about its types of variable and properties, but as we all know reading and understanding the concepts is good, but you never beat the act of actually rolling up your sleeves and practicing it in a lab exercise. Learning from exp


  (5 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated 4 days ago)
Creating Contact Manager App with MEAN Stack

Product Showcase

  (0 votes) by Intel Corporation (updated 5 days ago)
Improve Performance on Multicore and Many-Core Intel® Architectures, Particularly for Deep Neural Networks
  (0 votes) by Intel Corporation (updated 5 days ago)
Your Path to Deeper Insights
  (0 votes) by Intel Corporation (updated 5 days ago)
A New Way to Visualize Performance Optimization Trade-Offs
  (0 votes) by Jerod Johnson (updated 2 days ago)
Use the CData Software API Server to create an OData service for your databases and build a dynamic Web app based on the database data.
  (0 votes) by Red Gate Software (updated 3 days ago)
A case study where Republic Bank introduced Redgate SQL Compare; the industry standard for comparing SQL Server schemas and creating deployment scripts in minutes.

Raspberry Pi

  (3 votes) by George Swan (updated 6 days ago)
How to set up a two-way interface between a remote browser-enabled device and a Raspberry Pi.

Testing and QA

  (7 votes) by Sean Rand (updated 3 days ago)
Let's get moving in Selenium and start Automation Testing in this Selenium Series.

Windows Presentation Foundation

  (2 votes) by Juan Francisco Morales Larios (updated 3 days ago)

Articles updated

.NET Framework

  (52 votes) by Alexandre Bencz (updated 2 days ago)
With this new OrangeC/C++ compiler back-end, you can compile your C code to .NET
  (19 votes) by Juan Francisco Morales Larios (updated 4 days ago)
The importance to clone objects in .NET Framework
  (11 votes) by Pawel Wzietek (updated 5 days ago)
synchronous/asynchronous control via multiple interfaces with command queuing


  (14 votes) by Yogi S. (updated 5 days ago)
This article explains how useful the jQuery Load method is for doing AJAX calls in our web projects. I will explain the 4 ways/situtations where you can use this method and create a get feature for the users.

Algorithms & Recipes

  (14 votes) by O.G.I. (updated 5 days ago)
Pathfinding algorithm based on a direction priority

Applications & Tools

  (93 votes) by (updated 6 days ago)
How to build the SPA for enterprise application using Angular2 and WebApi (RESTful)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  (17 votes) by KristianEkman (updated 9 hours ago)
Chess engine and simple chess user interface


  (15 votes) by syed shanu (updated 4 hours ago)
In this article let's see how to create a shopping cart using ASP.NET Core, Angular 2, Entity Framework 1.0.1 and Web API with Template pack .
  (4 votes) by Vipul_Poojara (updated yesterday)
Step by step guide to deploy ASP .NET core web application on Amazon Linux Instance

C / C++ Language

  (66 votes) by Shao Voon Wong (updated 5 days ago)
Read/write CSV in few lines of code!
  (12 votes) by Hamidreza Ebtehaj (updated yesterday)
Designing the simplest function evaluator
  (11 votes) by Gregory Morse (updated 6 days ago)
UTM based on mov is Turing-complete paper x86 and x86-64


  (46 votes) by Akram El Assas (updated 6 days ago)
Open source workflow engine written in C#. Wexflow aims to make automations, workflow processes, long-running processes and interactions between systems, applications and folks easy, straitforward and clean.
  (28 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated 5 days ago)
Creating Angular2 Application with ASP.NET Core Template Pack in VS 2015
  (25 votes) by dale.newman (updated 3 days ago)
An alternative to .NET Configuration Handler
  (2 votes) by Member 4081762 (updated 2 hours ago)
C# Program to score played cards in Cribbage

Cryptography & Security

  (6 votes) by Veronica S. Zotali (updated 3 days ago)
This article shows how to configure IdentityServer3, when you need to authenticate and authorize usage of your WebAPI/MVC, for users stored in SQL Server.

Design and Architecture

  (33 votes) by Rasik Bihari Tiwari (updated 4 days ago)
Let's understand exactly what is Dependency Inversion principle and what it is not. How people confuse it to be dependency injection which is it NOT.
  (14 votes) by Robert_Dyball (updated 5 days ago)
"... dogs and cats living together ..." or how to build an application framework to get the best out of ASP.Net Core and Angular - at the same time.
  (11 votes) by Robert_Dyball (updated 6 hours ago)
Accelerate development using C# tag helpers and Razor from ASP.Net Core MVC together with Angular 2. Yes - have your SPA and eat it too.


  (22 votes) by Cinchoo (updated 15 hours ago)
Simple CSV file reader for .NET


  (121 votes) by Juan Francisco Morales Larios (updated 3 days ago)
The lost joins in System.Linq

Programming Tips

  (5 votes) by VISWESWARAN1998 (updated 2 days ago)
Scrape the websites with Python 3

New Tips and Tricks added

Applications & Tools

  (1 votes) by Caleb McElrath (updated 5 days ago)
An all too common tale of a stalled package installation and the valiant efforts to resolve it

ASP.NET Controls

  (7 votes) by Arun Chandrasekhara Pillai (updated 3 days ago)
Generic JqGrid implementation in MVC with custom filtering and dynamic sorting


  (13 votes) by BrettPerry (updated 6 days ago)
A helper class to run func in ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem and receive the response from a delegate
  (8 votes) by Amol B Lande (updated 4 days ago)
C# Print Reports/Document on server/local using shared/local printers
  (1 votes) by Samarth Vijay Bari (updated 3 days ago)
Element Spotter - Tool to identify web elements using Selenium

C++ / CLI

  (1 votes) by Jon McKee (updated 5 hours ago)
How to do it and why it works.

Document / View

  (5 votes) by Shivi Gupta Lucknow (updated 3 days ago)
Using EP plus, an Excel file is loaded onto a Windows Form with multiple sheets as buttons aligned horizontally below the gird, to give the look and feel of an Excel sheet.

Hardware & System

  (7 votes) by AJSON (updated 5 days ago)
Using reliability monitor to help troubleshoot your Windows operating system


  (4 votes) by Siavash _b (updated 2 days ago)
Detection of mobile visitors and being responsive to web design


  (1 votes) by discompsys (updated 5 days ago)
An easy way to allow local objects with direct access to invoke methods on a class, but prevent them from being part of the public API, for remote invocation.

Splitter Windows

  (4 votes) by shahidul.haq (updated 5 days ago)
A WPF custom control for grouping data similar to build-in expander

Tools and IDE

  (0 votes) by RedDk (updated 4 days ago)
Use ALT+SHIFT to "block" select text (thinking of justifying columnar relations of words/data/etc. so the visual appearance is perfectly tabular) ... and TAB (TAB+SHIFT to undo) to MOVE SELECTION right (and left) ...

Web Security

  (0 votes) by Muhammad Albedewy (updated 8 hours ago)
Validate Anti-Forgery in 6 easy steps

Windows Presentation Foundation

  (2 votes) by Clifford Nelson (updated 5 days ago)
This tip presents a control that is derived from the ItemsControl that uses a UniformGrid to display.

Tips and Tricks updated


  (1 votes) by Cinchoo (updated 5 days ago)
Quick tutorial about parsing fixed length data files using Cinchoo ETL
  (0 votes) by Cinchoo (updated 5 days ago)
Quick start tutorial to read Delimited file

New Technical Blogs added


  (5 votes) by Paul D. Sheriff (updated 6 days ago)
This blog post will show you the basics of using the MemoryCache class.
  (1 votes) by levelnis (updated 14 hours ago)
A quick example to show how to check for a duplicate username
  (0 votes) by Ehsan Sajjad (updated 14 hours ago)
This article demonstrates how we to implement advanced search on a gird using JQuery DataTables in mvc 5

Audio and Video

  (4 votes) by Junian Triajianto (updated 4 days ago)
Play any audio files by using DependencyService with MediaPlayer for Android and AVAudioPlayer for iOS


  (4 votes) by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan (updated 5 days ago)
This article primarily focuses on the basics of serverless computing and how they emerged. It also talks about other changes such as NoOps. Finally, a sample Azure Function is shown as an example. This is just the introduction post, in future posts I will give more explanation for Functions.

Content Management Server

  (0 votes) by essentialSQL (updated 2 hours ago)
Introduction to the MERGE Statement and SQL Server Data Modification The MERGE statement is used to make changes in one table based on values matched from anther.   It can be used to combine insert, update, and delete operations into one statement.  In this article, we’ll explore how to use the

Custom Controls

  (3 votes) by Junian Triajianto (updated 3 days ago)
This post discusses simple custom fonts helper in Xamarin.Forms for Android


  (4 votes) by Gordon Beeming (RSA) (updated 3 days ago)
How to use C# 6 to make 'bad' SQL awesome

Files and Folders

  (0 votes) by Mayur V Lohite (updated 8 hours ago)
A helper function which verifies that an uploading file is in valid image format in MVC


  (1 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 5 days ago)
The previous chapter of infinity adding was discussing about storing two integer numbers in string format and how to apply […]
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 21 hours ago)
When working with numbers inside the computer and the numbers happened to be longer than ten digits in length and […]

Other .NET Languages

  (0 votes) by Bahrudin Hrnjica (updated 17 hours ago)
After almost two years of implementation, I am proud to announce the forth version of the Open source project called GPdotNET v4.0. The latest version completely implements Genetic Programming and Artificial Neural Network for supervised learning tasks in three kind of problems: regression, binary a


  (1 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 5 days ago)
The previous chapter of infinity adding was discussing about storing two integer numbers in string format and how to apply […]


  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 5 days ago)
The previous chapter of infinity adding was discussing about storing two integer numbers in string format and how to apply […]

Testing and QA

  (1 votes) by Paul D. Sheriff (updated 6 days ago)
In this post, you are going to learn to run unit tests from the command line.
  (1 votes) by Anton Angelov (updated 12 hours ago)
Use Selenium WebDriver UI tests to create load tests executed in the Azure cloud. We will use PhantomJS and configure a load test through Visual Studio IDE.

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (15 votes) by Rion Williams (updated 3 days ago)
Why won't you answer my question?
  (4 votes) by Paul D. Sheriff (updated 6 days ago)
How to use Assert classes and methods in unit tests
  (3 votes) by Guruparan Giritharan (updated 11 hours ago)
Hello Everyone,CodeProjectThis post is an initial guide for anyone who wants to use Angular 2 to access a .Net WebApi back end to access SQL server database.This will guide you to do the basic CRUD operations using the WebApi REST service.Now lets see our requirement.We have Brands and Models for ca
  (1 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 5 days ago)
The previous chapter of infinity adding was discussing about storing two integer numbers in string format and how to apply […]
  (1 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 4 days ago)
The previous chapter of infinity adding was discussing about storing two integer numbers in string format and how to apply […]
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 5 days ago)
The previous chapter of infinity adding was discussing about storing two integer numbers in string format and how to apply […]
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 4 days ago)
The previous chapter of infinity adding was discussing about storing two integer numbers in string format and how to apply […]
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 4 days ago)
The previous chapter of infinity adding was discussing about storing two integer numbers in string format and how to apply […]
  (0 votes) by Dave Ceddia (updated 3 days ago)
When to define Action Creators in Redux
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 2 hours ago)
When working with numbers inside the computer and the numbers happened to be longer than ten digits in length and […]

Blogs updated


  (23 votes) by Giorgio Bozio (updated 3 days ago)
  (5 votes) by levelnis (updated 6 days ago)
This post will show you how to quickly configure your MVC website in IIS.

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (1 votes) by Artem Smirnov (updated 5 days ago)
How to configure your assets for FubuMVC

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