Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 2, 2017

Web Developer Newsletter - Code Review Checklist

Web Developer Newsletter - Code Review Checklist

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Industry News

Looking to blur the line between technology and art, the Sandpit library for creative coding uses JavaScript and the canvas 2D element.
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It's often desirable to effect changes to an arrangement of elements based on the dimensions of their container, rather than the viewport. To solve this problem, the concept of element queries was born.
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JavaScript module bundling has been around for a while. RequireJS had its first commits in 2009, then Browserify made its debut, and since then several other bundlers have spawned across the Internet. Among that group, webpack has jumped out as one of the best.
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Smashing Magazine
But... sometimes it can be difficult or impossible to target the element you need to target in the DevTools. The DOM events needed to work with the DevTools themselves can interfere.
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CSS Tricks
Neutrino is a tool that combines the build and configuration power of Webpack and bolts on the capability to build JavaScript-based projects with presets.
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David Walsh
Are you annoyed with the constantly changing JavaScript environment? Do you wish things could just settle down for a bit? Have you decided that you won't learn anything new because there will just be something new to learn tomorrow?
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Dave Bush
I've been spending time lately diving into the basics of CSS Grid, seeing how it works, figuring out the pain points it can solve easily for me along with seeing the new ways in which I can make sites better through writing clearer, more maintainable CSS
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New articles added

.NET Framework

  (3 votes) by Er. Puneet Goel (updated 4 days ago)
This article is about how to convert files into Zip and download as single Zip.


  (2 votes) by Nayan Choudhary (updated 4 days ago)
How to properly authenticate and avoid error 12501


  (6 votes) by M,AqibShehzad (updated 4 days ago)
In this article we will see how we can create real time clock using SignalR and Angular2 and integrate the angualr2 app inside ASP.Net and see its results.

Client side scripting

  (0 votes) by Daan Michiels (updated yesterday)
Generalizing JavaScript's Promise.all() to directed acyclic graphs

Design and Architecture

  (9 votes) by Robert_Dyball (updated 4 days ago)
Add JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT) using OpenIDDict to our ASP.Net Core + Angular 2 SPA.

Product Showcase

  (0 votes) by Jeffrey T. Fritz (updated 4 days ago)
Writing your own segments for Nigel with the Future Lab Program

Testing and QA

  (0 votes) by Sean Rand (updated 3 days ago)
This is an article to demonstrate different uses of ByType Selectors within Selenium. This is the heart of the API, Finding Element(s) using By Types. Understanding these ByType's are key in navigating, selecting and using web elements to test. Lets get going in Automation Testing!

Articles updated


  (18 votes) by syed shanu (updated 4 days ago)
In this article, we will see in detail about the ways we can customize our ASP.ENT MVC Application. Here, in this article, we will see three methods to customize our ASP.NET MVC Bootstrap Templates.
  (17 votes) by syed shanu (updated 4 days ago)
In this article let's see how to create a shopping cart using ASP.NET Core, Angular 2, Entity Framework 1.0.1 and Web API with Template pack .
  (15 votes) by Yogi S. (updated 4 days ago)
Tutorial on using Entity Framework with jQuery AJAX in ASP.NET MVC


  (83 votes) by Ebenezar John Paul (updated 3 days ago)
An Ideal Code Review Checklist that applies for most programming languages

Client side scripting

  (6 votes) by Afreen F (updated 16 hours ago)
In this article we will learn setting up the Angular 2 environment. In continuation of this article in next part, we will learn how to write a simple Hello World Application and keep on adding advance features of Angular 2 to it.

Custom Controls

  (28 votes) by Peter Occil (updated 5 days ago)
A public domain JavaScript library for easing the development of HTML 3D applications

Design and Architecture

  (33 votes) by Robert_Dyball (updated 2 hours ago)
"... dogs and cats living together ..." or how to build an application framework to get the best out of ASP.Net Core and Angular - at the same time.
  (5 votes) by Robert_Dyball (updated 4 days ago)
How to keep your SPA code DRY! Why shouldn't everything be code first? Code-first database and code first code! ASP.Net Core tag helpers can kick start your SPA to create HTML and Angular 2 dynamically from your data model.


  (7 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated 6 days ago)
Creating Contact Manager App with MEAN Stack

New Tips and Tricks added


  (0 votes) by Ankur Rawat (updated 16 hours ago)
Detect whether the event is click event or drag event of pushpin, performed by user in Bing Map

Client side scripting

  (0 votes) by yuvalsol (updated 12 hours ago)
Swap positions of two elements in a jQuery object
  (0 votes) by yuvalsol (updated 12 hours ago)
Use marquee tag to expose table's cell overflowing text


  (1 votes) by SagSD (updated yesterday)
This tip describes how to make custom right click menu.

SQL Reporting Services

  (0 votes) by yuvalsol (updated 11 hours ago)
Set the format of a SSRS date parameter apart from the SSRS report localization

New Technical Blogs added


  (3 votes) by levelnis (updated 3 days ago)
How to quickly set up Dependency Injection with Autofac

Client side scripting

  (5 votes) by Hideous Humpback Freak (updated 5 days ago)
When sets collide

Design and Architecture

  (1 votes) by johnniealan (updated 3 days ago)
My Understanding of ArcNet Protocol

Technical Blogs updated


  (5 votes) by Imran Abdul Ghani (updated 4 days ago)
A MUST HAVE HTML5 Interview Questions and Answers

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