Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 9, 2024

💾 IntelliFile - An Alternative Windows Version to the Famous Total Commander - The Daily Build

💾 IntelliFile - An Alternative Windows Version to the Famous Total Commander - The Daily Build

Headline article

IntelliFile - An Alternative Windows Version to the Famous Total Commander

  (45 votes) by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA (updated yesterday)
This article is about the IntelliFile application which is a free alternative Windows version to Total Commander and uses many components that have been published on CodeProject.

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

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A practical guide to Markdown Editors for writing GitHub files.

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  (11 votes) by Fred Song (Melbourne) (updated 4 days ago)
Learn how to build a real-time stock price tracking application, Market Pulse, using .NET 8 with GraphQL for the backend and React with Apollo Client for the frontend.

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  (6 votes) by Antonio Ripa (updated 2 days ago)
A practical guide to implementing the Thread-Safe Singleton pattern in C# with modern and traditional approaches, including real-world scenarios where each method excels.

Web Development

  (18 votes) by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA (updated 1 week ago)
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