Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 3, 2024

Web Developer Newsletter - ZetScript Programming Language

Web Developer Newsletter - ZetScript Programming Language

Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

Industry News

In this post I will talk about the Fluent UI Blazor library. Where did it come from, what are the building blocks and how do they work together?
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The JavaScript Registry (JSR) is a modern package registry for JavaScript and TypeScript.
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What makes a site especially usable (or especially difficult to use)? Try using Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics as a basis for internal review—you might be surprised how much you're able to improve the product before it's ever touched by a user!
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The Freenginx Web server aims to recapture the spirit of open source development "for the public good," free from corporate control.
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The New Stack
This article demonstrates how to use the Performance API to generate performance metrics directly in the DOM to create your own reporting.
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Smashing magazine
An extensive guide to CSS :has() selector.
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Ahmad Shadeed
When you start to think that you've got everything figured out, everything will change
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A List Apart

New articles added


  (1 votes) by Pranay Bakre (updated 5 days ago)
How to build and deploy a multi-architecture application with x86/amd64 and arm64-based container images on Amazon EKS
  (1 votes) by Pranay Bakre (updated 5 days ago)
How to deploy applications to the Azure Kubernetes Cluster powered by arm64-based virtual machines
  (0 votes) by Pranay Bakre (updated 5 days ago)
How to migrate existing x86 containerized applications to Arm

Hosted Services

  (4 votes) by Bohdan Stupak (updated 5 days ago)
Creating distributed map-reduce workflow with AWS Step Function to write the poem that automatically re-generates itself
  (0 votes) by Frédéric -lefred- Descamps (updated 4 days ago)
How to install WordPress on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using always free tier


  (0 votes) by Frédéric -lefred- Descamps (updated 4 days ago)
How to deploy Arm instances on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using Terraform

Articles updated

Programming Languages

  (39 votes) by jespa007 (updated 5 days ago)
A simple script engine for C++

Web Development

  (29 votes) by Akram El Assas (updated yesterday)
Microservices sample architecture using ASP.NET Core 8, Ocelot, MongoDB and JWT

New Technical Blogs added

Web Development

  (0 votes) by Dev Leader (updated 2 days ago)
In this article, I'll provide you with a high-level overview of Dependency Injection and Scrutor in C#.

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