Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2024

Web Developer Newsletter - IntelliLink - An Alternative Windows Version to Online Link Managers

Web Developer Newsletter - IntelliLink - An Alternative Windows Version to Online Link Managers

Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

Industry News

Through progressive enhancement using enhanced navigation and form handling, Blazor is able to minimize page load times and balance performance while minimizing trade-offs.
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As of February 14th 2024, RFC 9512 formally registers application/yaml as the media type for all YAML content, and adds +yaml as a standard structured suffix for all YAML-based more specific media types.
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HTTP Toolkit
With the move to standalone components, the Angular team has been on a roll shipping new features and improvements to the framework at such speed, it's hard to believe this is the same Angular we've come to know.
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In the interest of furthering our collective understanding of this self-inflicted quagmire, let's examine one small-but-significant aspect where developers take the reins: Painting pixels on the screen.
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Smashing magazine
I was a bit out of touch with modern front-end development. I also remembered articles about web bloat, how the average web page size was approaching several megabytes!
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The truth is, if you want to build the most-accessible product possible, you need to use both pixels and ems/rems.
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Josh W Comeau
Shadow DOM enables you to attach a DOM tree to an element, and have the internals of this tree hidden from JavaScript and CSS running in the page.
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New articles added

Programming Languages

  (1 votes) by Zijian (updated 3 days ago)
Overcome the 53-bit limitation of number of JavaScript while keeping strongly typed integral types of .NET. Part 1.

Web Development

  (1 votes) by Zijian (updated 3 days ago)
Overcome the 53-bit limitation of number of JavaScript while keeping strongly typed integral types of .NET. Part 2.

New Tips and Tricks added


  (0 votes) by Mohammad Elsheimy (updated 3 days ago)
One of the major issues encountered when connecting to databases after porting ASP.NET app to Docker Linux containers.

Tips and Tricks updated

Web Development

  (17 votes) by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA (updated 6 days ago)
A look at the URLDownloadToFile function and architecture of IntelliLink

New Projects added

Programming Languages

  (0 votes) by Member 10461124 (updated 8 minutes ago)

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